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A city comprised of mines, forges, and hot air balloons. Originally a mining community, the abundance of coal caused a large number of blacksmiths to move into the residential sections of the mine during it's early days. With the rapidly expanding population, the smoke and heat eventually became unbearable. As a solution, the Smith's began boring shafts from the surface down to their smithies. Over time, build up from the smoke formed stalagmite-like columns around the holes, which have to be cleaned regularly to prevent closure. The older the forge, the bigger the stack was. Once their size began to be seem as a symbol of prestige, it was only a matter of time until some smiths began to artificially increase the size of their stacks and label them with crests as a form of advertisement to traders approaching the city. In recent years an enterprising architect and engineer began building a network of hot air balloon structures above the stacks. The heat venting out of the stacks keeps this small aerial district afloat but a few accidents has prevented a large number of people and businesses from moving to the floating latticework of canvas and wood.
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