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Session 3: The Artifact Report

General Summary

Last we left off, the five guys found themselves in the sewers underneath the school of Kixelts having a discussion with a spider, clad in adamantine. Telling the group that it hated the upstairs, but had its own problems with the rats down below in the sewers that were attacking and eating its children. Arty persuaded the creature to allow them to forge an alliance and take care of the situation; with a shakey agreement in hand, the spider advised them that at the end of the tunnel they were in held the exit to the outside world. The group headed further down into the depths of the sewers where they encountered large, mutated rats that had set up barricades and blocks and a battle ensued. After dispatching of the rats, the spider took its quarry and retreated back into the depths of the sewers from wence it came and the group decided to take a short rest. Unfortunately, at the end of their rest an automated sewer cleaning machine noticed the "organic material" in the distance and began chasing them. Rushing towards the end of the sewers, the group was attacked again; however, with some close calls and quick thinking by smithy they were able to smite their foes with assisstance from the sewer cleaner construct. Diving into the pool at the end, the group ended up outside of the school and town where they gathered their thoughts and decided it best to go through Heggolar to get to Zedsia. Hitching a ride with a dwarven trader from the Onyxhide spire, the group entered the dwarven city and rested...some more than others (wink wink smithy).    After awakening, they made their way to the smith spire where a small argument enused and the group followed the old dwarf Rubroick outside where he sat down and had a conversation with Smithy. Even finding out who he was didn't matter to him and he explained he was happy for his mother and him and that they got out before the greed had taken the Smith spire over. He explained they only dealt in contracts and had lost their way, making on magical armor and weaponry for the Iron Parliament and their endevors and even the quality had gone down, but the gold was still flowing in. At this point, a dwarven woman Mazzere burst through the doors bloody and frazzled, yelling to Rubroick that creatures had attacked Yumden below in their ancestral cemetary. Without hestiation, Smithy prepared to charge forward below to smite the evil that had risen while Rubroick reminded him that a hammer can create and destroy as well as rebuild physical and emotional bonds depending on how you use it. The five guys charged into the stronghold where they were face-to-face with all manner of zombies. Many blows happened from both sides and in their darkest time, Arty decided to utilize the newly found powers that he had aquired to help Smithy and Dot. Unfortunately, the group found out that lava hurts...badly and a blast zipped by Dot breaking part of the container of lava at the front of the stronghold. Fortunately, the group used this newly found knowledge as a teachable moment and tossed their enemies into the lava with some quick thinking (and poor joke telling) by Arty. As they moved further in, they came across more creatures--a grave scavenger and some abomination--that they were able to take down began to fight. Some dark urge took over Lucid for a moment and he hurled his psychic blade towards Smithy; however, Yumden seeing a fellow dwarf (at least that's what he thought at the time), doffed his armor and sent it sailing towards Smithy, swaddling him like a newborn babe. The battle turned to the five guys favor and an overdue discussion happened between Yumden and Smithy. Yumden explained that the armor he took was indeed crafted by his mother's hands, but it was a gift to him as the armor he wore was once his own fathers that he made. He also showed Smithy the family tree, a gnarled nearly dead tree with grass and obsidian rocks around it that fed the tree over years where the leaders of the Smith clan were buried. After a mutual understanding of manhood, but not true family yet the group began to exit from the underground graveyard to head back into the city.
Campaign 2: The War-Torn Continent
Report Date
13 Jan 2024
Primary Location


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