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Once a luxurious retreat for the wealthy, Nadena sat on the shores of the Clarecord Expanse, offering stunning views and serene getaways. However, since the Abericlase went dark, the opulence that once defined the town has decayed. The town's elite, unable to accept the loss of their former status, constructed the towering wall around Nadena to keep control over the remaining population. They convinced the townspeople that the world outside had descended into chaos, all while maintaining a tight grip on power, hiding their desperation to cling to their past wealth. Those that are allowed to enter the town are unaware of the situation happening within the town as they are met by gate keepers and specialists that take them to certain parts of the town and away from the masses. Most of the time trade occurs just outside of the gate from those brave souls heading out on "missions".


Population: Approx. 6,500   Racial Makeup: Mostly humans, with a smaller population of elves and dwarves, many of whom were once part of the servant class in the town’s luxurious resorts.   Social Structure: The gap between the once-elite and the common folk is wider than ever, but the elite's influence has waned. Most of the population lives modest lives, while the upper echelon remains isolated, plotting from their decaying estates.


An oligarchic council of former elites, who maintain control through manipulation and secrecy. Their influence is weakening, but they continue to deceive the population with tales of the horrors outside the walls.   Key Individuals:
  • Baron Roderick Hale: Former resort owner, now head of the ruling council. He is determined to restore his former luxury at any cost.
  • Lady Verona Laerin: A former patron of Nadena's elite circles, she is one of the masterminds behind the construction of the wall and the perpetuation of the lies.

Industry & Trade

Primary Resources: With no real industry left, the town relies heavily on fish from the Clarecord Expanse and dwindling agricultural supplies from small farms outside the wall.   Fake Trade: The elites still orchestrate "missions" for goods, convincing the populace that they are trading with other towns ravaged by the fall. In reality, they are hoarding the last remnants of their wealth.   Luxury Artifacts: Some of the wealthier citizens still trade in relics from the city's past, selling old artifacts from the leisure days to collectors who remain ignorant of the town's true state.


The Wall: Hastily built, the wall surrounds the entire city, turning what was once a leisure destination into a grim fortress. The townsfolk believe the wall protects them from the outside, but it's really there to keep them trapped and under control.   The Waterfront Villas: Once luxurious vacation homes along the lake’s edge, they now stand in disrepair. A few of the elite still live in these mansions, surrounded by faded grandeur, but most have been abandoned.   The Docks: The expansive docks, once a gateway for wealthy vacationers, are now largely unused, rotting under the weight of disuse. The few functioning ships are used by the elite for their so-called “missions.”   Leisure Residences: The town still bears the remnants of its past life, with empty resorts and once-glamorous buildings now serving as homes for the common people.


The High Spire District: The former heart of luxury, filled with crumbling villas and decayed estates. This district remains exclusive to the few elites still in power, though it now feels more like a haunted shell of its former self.   The Common Grounds: The residential area where most citizens live, repurposed from what were once hotels and guesthouses. The once-beautiful landscapes now hold a sense of unease, with faded glamour barely masking the growing unrest.   The Ruined Pier: A decayed waterfront, where the once-vibrant docks have mostly fallen into disrepair. A few ships still dock here for the staged "missions," but they are more for show than actual trade.


Nadena was established as a luxurious retreat for the wealthy, offering peaceful views of the Clarecord Expanse and the latest in leisure technology. When the power vanished, Nadena’s reliance on technology failed, and the elite panicked. They hastily built the wall and took control, creating the illusion of outside threats to maintain their power. In the present day, decay and ruin have become the norm in Nadena. The wall stands, and most of the town lives in ignorance, while the elite cling to their illusions and desperately try to keep control.

"The wall is not just a barrier; it is a symbol of our strength, a testament to what we've built here. Beyond it lies chaos, ruin, and despair, a world that has crumbled without order or hope. But here, within these walls, we preserve what remains. We protect what is still good, and in time, the world will come to us, broken and begging for salvation." — Baron Roderick Hale

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