Averlyn Organization in Gran Lorien | World Anvil
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The ancient kingdom of Averlyn has long stood as one of the most prosperous kingdoms of Gran Lorien. Founded by a legendary warrior, its line of kings has continued unbroken for nearly eight centuries. In that time, it has seen many wars and much strife, but has always emerged the stronger. To the south, the country is bounded by arid deserts, to the north by the great mountains, and to the west by the coastal kingdom of Carcasonne. The Bannerborn Trade Road runs through the centre of the Kingdom, from Carcasonne to Lyrethia, and is ever bringing strange and arcane things from places far away.


Averlynian Cuisine   The people of Averlyn depend on their vast farmlands to feed the kingdom. Wheat fields, cows, pigs and chickens, allow for the people to cook hearty and wholesome meals. The taverns of Averlyn serve ale, wine and mead, as well as stronger dwarven whiskies.       Hearth Roast   A Hearthhope specialty, served at holidays at the Lord & Lion Inn. A hearty cut of beef roasted carefully in a glowing hearth over several hours then drenched in a gravy made from the drippings deglazed with red wine.   Mineworker's Meat Pie   A steaming pie, fresh from the oven and filled with beef or lamb. A flaky crust surrounds a Filling of meat, potatoes, carrots and gravy.   Lemon Tea and Goodberry Scones   The upper crust of Averlynian society takes their tea very seriously. One can often find a group of nobles sipping a refreshing lemon tea served alongside a flaky scone filled with Goodberries.   Huntsman's Stew   A tasty meat stew made from freshly caught rabbit in a carrot broth. Served with a freshly baked oat and honey bun on the side.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
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