Greland Mercenaries in Greland

World Codex

The Ashwoodsmen
Military Formation | May 21, 2024

Huntsmen from The Burrowood in Greater Stallken who took up arms as part of the War for the Foxworth Secession.

The Circle of Wolves
Military Formation | May 22, 2024

A former Somercragian mercenary company, disbanded during the Revolt at Summerswind in 419KS.

The Comfort Eagles
Military Formation | May 21, 2024

A violent band of berserkers and bloodletters.

The Company of The Third Man
Military Formation | May 21, 2024

A cacophonous riot of a mercenary company, more a hindrance to their enemy before the battle than during.

The Covenant
Military Formation | May 21, 2024

A militia of Dualist citizens from Irogonie.

The Death Crows
Military Formation | May 21, 2024

A band of former Blackbar Men-at-Arms who took up the mercenary life during the decade of peace between 443 and 454KS.

The Karro Whacks
Military Formation | May 21, 2024

Formerly a Hillhurst mercenary company with an equal reputation for victory at the negotiation table to the battlefield, now the personal guards of the heir to Castle Stivir.

The Lost
Military Formation | May 21, 2024

Former Hillhurst folk, displaced by the eruption of the Boxsarts but unable to find a home in Somercrag, The Lost have taken to the mercenary life with supplies salvaged from the ruins of their homeland.

The Lost Striders
Military Formation | May 21, 2024

A mercenary company drawn from across Greland who have been associated with the rise of ser Allon Stormborn since the Battle of Eastcross.

The Muddy Men
Military Formation | May 21, 2024

A band of Baycotte Swampers and their Minmoths.

The Newts
Military Formation | May 21, 2024

A band of Baycotte Swampers who live and fight on their boats.

The Ring of Knives
Military Formation | Jun 10, 2024

A band of Mercenaries from Somercrag that formed following the Revolution of 441KS.

The Sirocco
Military Formation | May 21, 2024

Desert fighters from the Lamas Plains who strike with hails of slings and darts before fading like the wind on the sands.

The Strong Hands
Military Formation | May 21, 2024

Rothevalian refugees from the Eruption of the Boxsart Hills given new purpose by ser Aranna Osgrey.

The Urfine Rangers
Military Formation | May 21, 2024

A band of woodsmen whose aggressive defence of their homes earned them a reputation as good fighters, but also brought violence upon them, until they were driven out to the life of wandering mercenaries.

The War Trunks
Military Formation | May 21, 2024

Darklyn Bastard Marshall's terrifying company of barded knights and minmoths.