Greland The Kingsguard of King Tyon I Cray Attempt to Arrest Duke Newall Foxworth

The Kingsguard of King Tyon I Cray Attempt to Arrest Duke Newall Foxworth

Military: Battle


Early in the morning in the Twenty-Third of March, as The King's Eye was seen to fall from the sky, word reached the House Foxworth forces stationed around the city of Thurnon of an Irogonian army approaching from the North. However, at the same time, the banner of The Kingsguard of Tyon I Cray was spotted on the road from the South.
ser Newall Foxworth elected to send the armeis under the command of ser Derrick Quay and ser Krann Engelbrecht to deal with the Irogonians, while remaining knights under his command awaited the arrival of the Kingsguard.
Shortly before the Kingsguard arrived in camp, a smaller group of knights arrived unheralded - the members of Sola's Vanguard who had answered the Duke's call.
Just minutes later the Kingsguard arrived, led by ser Astris Conklyn. They rebuked Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford attempts at diplomacy, ordering the gathered knights and soldiers to disbandand return to their own lands while they attempted to take ser Newall and Lady Ophelia into custody.
The Foxworths resisted arrest, and the scene soon became violent, a brief clash ending with the deaths of four Kingsguard - ser Galaban Ordem at the hands of ser Bramble Epper, ser Mortin Bettley by ser Prestan Greydall, ser Roland Blacke by ser Berthold Durbach, and ser Olys Massrak at the hands of ser Newall Foxworth himself. The remaining Kingsguard cut down nine of the Foxworths' Men-at-Arms before finally being subdued and arrested themselves.
Lady Ophelia arranged for the bodies of the slain Kingsguard to be returned aboard The Royal Gull.

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History of Greland (article)
The Life of King Tyon I Cray (article)
The Life of Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford (article)
The Life of Duke Newall Foxworth (article)
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