Greland King Tyon I Cray appoints Six Dukes; the Dukes of Somercrag Recognise King Tyon I Cray;

King Tyon I Cray appoints Six Dukes; the Dukes of Somercrag Recognise King Tyon I Cray;

Life, Milestone


As the victor of The Battle of Bayglen, King Tyon I Cray appointed six Dukes - Lady Jaenis Skanler, Lord Croll Blackbar and Lady Mariella Gaunt-Goulsblud to resume their previous positions, ser Edgarth Hayford to be restored to his father's seat once he had been recovered from his position as a hostage of the remaining Royalist Soldiers, Hallkatla Darklyn to take up her father's seat which she had won from him during the war, and ser Newall Foxworth to take up a new Duchal seat over the the lands North of The Witwells that had been ceded from The Kingdom of Irogonie at the end of The Irogonie Aggression.

In addition to the Duchal appointments, King Tyon I Cray awarded the seats of the now extinct House Tarbor of Southbay, House Stout of The Icewater and House Buckhaill of Tayach Dam and the attainted House Crowler of Allerton to ser Allon Southbay, ser Arlow Teeze, ser Natari Bailer and ser Bramble Epper respectively for their service during the war.