Greland Tourney in the Skanler Duchy

Tourney in the Skanler Duchy

Sporting Event / Competition


House Rebane of the Ilves hosted a Tourney on behalf of their liege House Skanler of Farcastle.
The final Joust of the Tourney was between ser Kiara Jast, one of Duchess Jaenis Skanler's Sworn Swords, and ser Chrestan Stele of Steleway, one of House Rebane's minor Vassals.
The final outcome of the tilts was unclear, with both knights scoring solid blows against the other but neither succeeding in unhorsing their opponent. Ser Chrestan invited his opponent to dismount and settle the matter afoot, but ser Kiara declined, asking the Lord of The Ilves to settle the matter. This only served to stoke tensions which had been building - both throughout the Tourney itself and through the events of recent years - between members of The Skanler Duchy in the The Witwell Mountains and those in the lowlands.
Lord Nikol, evidently out of his depth, deliberated over the result. As he did, several other knights from both sides of the divide became involved in the growing argument, each swearing to defend the claim of their chosen champion.
The situation was eventually defused by the intervention of ser Carreth Conklyn, ser Allon Southbay and Duchess Jaenis Skanler. The Duchess used her authority to declare the result a draw, and bade both parties to leave The Ilves as soon as they were able, lest their displeasure with the result be interpreted as a problem with her authority. But, though this did result in the matter being settled without further conflict, it only served to further the divide between the houses of the Duchy.