Greland News of ser Sola's Death reaches Tayach Dam; The Vanguard Departs for Bayglen

News of ser Sola's Death reaches Tayach Dam; The Vanguard Departs for Bayglen

Life, Trauma/ Loss


Queen Malina's Declaration to ser Sola's Vanguard reached Tayach Dam, detailing the events of The Ambush on the Kingsroad and the death of ser Sola Somercrag at the hands of Duke Brennar Hayford, as well as the Duke's death at the hands ser Edam Bracks. It instructed some members of the Vanguard to disperse and return to their homes, others to ride to the capital to renew oaths, as well as exonerating ser Kyra Crowler.

The members of Sola's Vanguard, led by ser Tyon Cray, chose instead to ride to The City of Bayglen and present the evidence they held as to the true events in the Duchy over the past months and the clear implications against ser Kyra.

Related Location
Tayach Dam
Related timelines & articles
The Hayford Duchy (article)
History of Greland (article)
The Life of King Tyon I Cray (article)
The Life of ser Sola Somercrag (article)
The Kingdom of Somercrag (article)