Greland Tourney in the Gaunt Duchy

Tourney in the Gaunt Duchy

Sporting Event / Competition


House Lowblade of Serpent's Bridge hosted a Tourney on behalf of their liege House Gaunt of The Hollow.
As the knights in the final stages of the jousting made their preparations on the penultimate day of the event, ser Valentianus Lowblade suffered an accident in his tent, a wound which quickly festered. The quick intervention of Channer, the Spire Advisor of The Hollow, prevented the rapidly spreading infection from taking the knight's life, but took the use of his sword-hand. The remaining jousting was cancelled, and the Tourney ended with no winner declared.

Following ser Valentianus' injury, a number of changes were made in Serpent's Bridge in rapid succession. Etienne Lowblade, Valentianus' Squire and cup-bearer, was knighted by Duchess Hellna Gaunt; Yvain and Alaric, Valentianus' other siblings, were taken to squire by Etienne and ser Brandeth Quay, and all moved to Faircastle.
A marriage was arranged for Valentianus with Mysa Stanley, a Rothevalian Noble.
Finally, Catryn Wayner, former minder of the youngest Lowblade children and long-time target of Valentianus' advances, was married to ser Jallen Costayne and moved to The Fortifications of The Pass.