Greland The Tourney at Fairstrand 441KS

The Tourney at Fairstrand 441KS

Sporting Event / Competition


Although the The Kingdom of Somercrag gathered in Fairstrand's Dyrwood for a Tourney, the event came to be infamous for the actions of its Grand Melee, which launched The Revolution of 441KS.

The Jousting took place over the first two days, and ended with ser Tobin Caerlight beating ser Valentianus Lowblade.

Ser Daltis Winthrop took a blow from a splintered lance in the first day's riding, which festered overnight into a grievously infected wound which claimed his life on the second day.

On the third day an exhibition melee was held between teams from House Foxworth of Fairstrand, represented by ser Newall Foxworth, ser Mattheo Foxworth, ser Jorgan Saltcliffe, ser Tobin Caerlight and ser Allon Southbay; against a team from House Wynch of The Gallows consisting of ser Theadwyn Wynch, ser Grahar Tradd, ser Valentianus Lowblade, ser Orwen Paege and Josesh Flitch. It was won by the Foxworth team, with ser Allon taking the title of Lord of Redbridge.

On the fourth day, as the first act in ser Tyon Cray's conspiracy against the crown, the planned Grand Melee errupted into actual combat to capture the Royal Princes Dalran Somercrag and ser Mitchar Hespeak.

Ser Allon Southbay earned his first recognition in this battle, single handedly capturing both princes.

During the battle both sides suffered heavy losses, with the deaths of all six members of The Queen's Knights, as well as ser Doncan Buckhaill, ser Isabel Fallder, ser Marleigh Honn-Blackbar and ser Barnabus Bridewell.