The Suel

The Suloise peoples had their origins outside of the Flanaess; South of the Crystalmist Mountains and west of the Hellfurnaces.

Many Suloise fled to the Flanaess to escape the constant Suel/Baklunish wars, which eventually lead to the magical devastation of their homeland. These Suloise migrations helped to displace many of the Flannae from their homelands, resulting in the Flannae being scattered far and wide.

The ancient Suloise have passed on many of their traits to their descendants, for good or bad. Centuries ago the Suloise boasted one of the greatest empires ever known to mankind. They learned the arts of sorcery and civilization from the Olven-folk, but in time, the Suloise peoples surpassed even their Elven teachers in the manipulation of magic and used this knowledge to forge the greatest empire of their time – the Suel Imperium. But they rejected the Elven peoples’ warnings about dabbling in fell magics and so the Suloise soon found themselves at odds with their former allies.

The ancient Suloise were totalitarian in demeanor and enslaved many peoples and races. All peoples fell to the will of the Suloise Imperium, except for the ancient Baklunish Empire. The Suloise Imperium relied heavily upon magic and it helped forged their empire. Their magical experimentation lead to the creation and engineering of altered races, races created for the sole purpose of serving the empire.

One of the most well-known of these created races is the Derro. Many dwarves claim that the Derro existed long before the Suel experimented on their kin and it is rumored that the Derro are a blending of dwarves and humans.

Whatever the truth in this particular matter, one thing is absolutely certain, many magical breeding experiments were conducted before the Suel Imperium fell.

The Suel Imperium fought the Baklunish Empire to a stand still for control of eastern Oerik. To break the stalemate, the Suloise brought about the Invoked Devastation. This apparent victory over their enemies was short-lived however, as one of the long-forgotten Gods of the Baklunish chose to intervene. Gathering together the most powerful mages, from among his people, within the stone circle of Tovag Baragu, this God channeled much of His power through these magicians, supporting their retribution against the Imperium.

This is the origin of the Rain of Colorless Fire, which covered all of the Suel Imperium in its inferno. Were it not for the great seer Slerotin, the Suloise peoples may well have been destroyed, but, receiving premonitions of the impending doom, Slerotin gathered what noble families he could and led them through a magical tunnel of his creation which passed completely through the Hellfurnaces.

All but one of the families – the Lerara – traveling with Slerotin arrived in the area of the Flanaess now known as the Yeomanry. From there the Suloise peoples spread throughout the Flanaess, founding nations for themselves, often formed from the colonies of the Suel Imperium. The noble family of Lerara is the exception; becoming separated from the other Suloise families during the migration, they never left Slerotin’s tunnel and still reside there today.

The most infamous and secretive society of the Suloise is indisputably the Scarlet Brotherhood, headquartered on the Tilvanot Peninsula. This Suloise organization has bases spread out across the Flanaess and beyond. So embroiled have they become in the affairs of the Flanaess’ nations, this so-called secretive society is no longer as secretive as it once was. While the Scarlet Brotherhood is prominent in Shar, they do not have control of the government there, though they do exercise major influence over all the Peninsula’s affairs.

There is another Suloise organization, called “Those Who must Not Speak,” – also known as “the Silent Ones” – and they reside within the “Silent Tower,” headquartered in the Kingdom of Keoland. Not much is known of the Silent Ones, though it is rumored that they seek to obtain forbidden magics and ancient Suloise artifacts. What their main goals are no one knows for certain, however, those few who happen to come upon the Silent Tower, and try to gain entrance, are very often not heard from again. Whatever their main goal one thing is absolutely certain, you will only know what the Silent Ones want you to know, and then, only when they want you to know it.


The Suloise are a fair-skinned human race, some being almost albino. They tend to be slightly taller than the other human races and range between tall and lean to tall and sturdy. Suloise males average between 6’ to 6’ 3” tall and weigh between 160-225 lbs. Suloise females average between 5’ 10” to 6’ tall and weigh between 110-165 lbs. Their eye colors range from pale blue to violet, with deep blue and gray possible. Suloise hair color is most often blonde to strawberry, though yellow and platinum are possible. Straight, wavy, and kinky hairs are all common.

Personality & Culture

The Suloise are a proud, commanding, determined, opinionated, and overbearing people. Most Suloise has little regard for other races and are quite often at odds with their own race. A person’s ancestral ties, and family allegiances, always way heavily upon how Suloise are viewed within their society, because of this, Suloise from different countries often dispute each other’s claims regarding ancestry, and nowhere is this practice more evident than in the Tilvanot Peninsula.

Suel from the Tilvanot Peninsula are the most organized and totalitarian of all the Suloise peoples. Records of every citizen’s ancestry are kept on file, as are all facets of a citizen’s life, which can be quickly laid before them. Only Suloise known to be of pure blood are considered true citizens in the Tilvanot, any racial admixture – however slight – bar one from full citizenship. For this reason, those who are of Suloise ancestry, but not born on the Peninsula, can never receive full citizenship. Despite this fact, it is extremely rare to find anyone of Suloise ancestry performing any kind of menial tasks in the Tilvanot, the Peninsula has more than its share of half-breeds and humanoids to perform all such tasks, which are considered to be beneath a pureblooded Suloise’ station in life.

Oddly enough, and to the chagrin of the Scarlet Brotherhood, the Suloise of purest blood are found in the Thillonrian Peninsula, among the so-called Frost, Ice, and Snow Barbarians. Interestingly, these Suloise peoples are the least like their ancestors. The Suloise of the Thillonrian Peninsula have adopted a barbaric lifestyle and live by raiding each other, or neighboring civilizations.

These northern barbarians excel as warriors, trappers, hunters, seamen, and fishermen. Their continued survival, in one of the most unforgiving climates on Oerth, clearly demonstrates just how adaptable they truly are, but unlike the Suloise of the Tilvanot Peninsula, the Suloise of the Thillonrian Peninsula are not above allying themselves with their racially diverse neighbors in times of need. These northern barbarians are ferocious warriors on any field of battle.

The Suloise of the Duchy of Urnst and the eastern portions of the Flanaess find themselves in a leadership position, even though they are not in the majority. Manipulation and self-determination are common traits among these Suloise, much like their ancestors, but they tend to be the most cooperative of the Suloise peoples.

As a whole, the Suloise peoples are quick to dismiss the opinions of others, relying more upon their personal judgments rather than upon a consensual determination.

Suloise like to wear wide-legged pantaloons and loose-fitting blouses. In the far north of the Flanaess, Suloise garments are often made from fur, or felted wool, and worn with capes, furred boots, and mittens. In the southern Flanaess, the Suloise tend to wear a loose vest over lightweight fabrics. Solid colors are universally preferred, with most Suloise having only one, or two, colors in their wardrobe.


The Suloise people are as respectful of their Gods as they are of their ancestors.

On the Thillonrian Peninsula the Suloise wind gods – especially the imprisoned Vatun – receive considerable worship, though Kord, Llerg, Norebo, and Xerbo are also worshiped.

In the Amedio Jungle and the continent of Hepmonaland, the Suloise residents worship Llerg, Beltar, Bralm, Phaulkon, Pyremius, Wastri, and Xerbo, with a small number of them worshiping Wee Jas.

On the Tilvanot Peninsula, the entire Suloise Pantheon receives dutiful worship, although Lendor, Bralm, Pyremius, Lydia, Osprem, Syrul, and Wee Jas can lay claim to the largest followings.

It has been rumored that the Scarlet Brotherhood worships dark gods, such as Tharizdun, though this is doubtful. However, a group of Suloise worshipers of Tharizdun known as the Black Brotherhood does exist. It is thought that the Scarlet Brotherhood does not trust this group, but is on cordial terms with them.

In all other Suloise lands Kord, Norebo, and Wee Jas tend to be very popular, but Suloise cults to Tharizdun do exist and are spread throughout the Flanaess.

Professions & Skills

The Suloise have developed many skills over the years and dependent upon their location on the Oerth, some professions and skills might change.

One thing is common throughout; all Suloise characters gain a +2 bonus to the proficiencies of Seamanship and Swimming. Sailing and Fishing are prominent professions among all the Suloise peoples, so these skills are considered to be bonus proficiencies for all Suloise characters.

In the Thillonrian Peninsula raiding, exploring, farming and fishing are the prominent professions. The Suloise people of these lands tend to be short-tempered and it is common to see Berserkers among the warriors of this land. The Suloise of the Thillonrian have a strong urge for exploration and are therefore much more likely to go adventuring. Suloise barbarians may therefore swap out Swimming or Sailing bonuses in favor of a bonus to their Survival proficiency. The barbarians of the Thillonrian are the least likely of all the Suloise to be interested in spellcasting, except for their warrior bards, but for the most part, the barbarians are suspicious of magic and spellcasters in general.

Island-dwelling Suloise tend to excel in the same common skills as all Suloise, but they are expert traders as well. Sailors and merchants are common among these island dwellers, because of this, skills like Fast Talking and Appraising can replace the bonus skills of Seamanship and Swimming. Rogues, Bards, and Priests are dominant among the island people, although Wizards are not unknown here.

In the central Flanaess, the Suloise have blended in well with other cultures, as such they may swap one of their bonuses in Seamanship or Swimming for another skill common in their area.

Many professions are available to Suloise characters living in the central Flanaess, as such all classes are well represented. However, Wizards from this area are much more likely to have received training at one of the formal Universities commonly found in these nations.

In the Amedio Jungle and Hepmonaland, many of the Suloise became tanned and freckled and more animalistic in their outlook than their ancestors were. Acts of barbarism, animal sacrifice, and cannibalism are commonplace among these Suloise. The Suloise of these areas retain their Swimming skill, but they have lost their Seamanship ability. This is replaced with a Survival bonus given the nature of their land. Many of the inhabitants of these lands are little more than slaves trained in the arts of war and fighters are a major class represented here, but rangers and shamans – witch doctors – are not unknown.

The organization known as the Scarlet Brotherhood is based on the Tilvanot Peninsula, but has a great many spies and informants throughout the Flanaess. This is unquestionably a racist organization that uses any means necessary to obtain its goals.

There are many Suloise factions devoted to their cause, but the most feared members of the Scarlet Brotherhood are undoubtedly their monks. Masters of sabotage and subversion, all character classes have their place in the brotherhood, except for wizards. Magic users associated with the Scarlet Brotherhood are governed very closely, to prevent the terrible past from repeating itself.

The Scarlet Sign – as the Brotherhood is often called – believes that the Suel’s past reliance on magic made them weak and is the reason that the Suloise Imperium crumbled. They believe that to be true masters of their order one must be adaptable. Because of this, members of the Scarlet Brotherhood can add a +2 bonus to any two skills; Fast-Talking (bluff) and Disguise are the most common.

Fighting Styles

The Ancient Suloise were well-versed in various forms of combat, whether it be Single Weapon Style and Weapon & Shield Style of fighting or through Fisticuffs.

The slave armies the Suloise Imperium used were all trained in weapon & shield techniques, with little or no armor. These slaves relied more upon speed and quickness, rather than armor, as the Suloise cared little for any causalities suffered by their slave forces. Magic was used quite heavily and siege weapons infused with spells hurled fire or lighting and were manned only by Suloise forces. Archery was practiced by the nobility, but it was very rare to see the nobility on the field of battle.

On the Thillonrian Peninsula, the Two-Hander Weapon Style of fighting seems to be preferred, though fisticuffs and wrestling are common pastimes. Naval warfare tactics revolve around the ramming and boarding of a vessel.

The Suloise of Hepmonaland and the Amedio Jungle are well-versed in both single-weapon and two-hander weapon styles. These Suloise have also developed a unique Martial Arts skill based upon the movements of simians; grasping, choking, and kicking are common moves. This style also uses throws and tosses which are some of this style’s more powerful moves.

The Suloise of the Tilvanot Peninsula are excellent sailors, as such naval warfare is their strength. Archery is the preferred method of battle and the longbow is the preferred weapon, but Two-Weapon Style and single weapon styles are practiced and many soldiers benefit from weapon & shield techniques.

Perhaps the most dangerous fighting style is that of the monks of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Called the “Silent Sash” this style is both feared and renowned on the Tilvanot Peninsula. It is rare for anyone to escape a monk trained in this style unless the monk intends to let the character live.

The Suloise people of the island nations were displaced years ago and have become proficient in the fighting styles of the nations to which they fled. While these Suloise use the fighting styles of other nations, using the ancient ways of weapon and shield, they also use the “closed fist open foot” pugilistic skills of the monks. If a Suloise monk uses the “open hand,” it is to stun and humiliate his opponent.

Siege weapons that strike from a distance are commonplace among the more civilized Suloise nations. And the Suloise have been known to adopt many of the Oeridian fighting styles practiced among other nations.

Racial Abilities

The following is a list of racial abilities that a Suloise character may take as a bonus proficiency (as described above).

Select one.

Ancient Suloise

You practice the magical arts have been blessed by your ancestry and thus can channel potent magical energies.

Benefit: A character with this feat gains a +2 bonus to all spells they cast, making it more difficult for their opponents to save against spells cast by a character with this ability.


Like many of the Suloise people, you are fluent in many languages.

Benefit: With this ability, a character gains two languages for every nonweapon proficiency slot spent on a language. In other words, a character spends a proficiency slot on a language. The result of this is that the character than gains another language proficiency at no cost in proficiency slots.

Special: Suloise characters from the Thillonrian Peninsula, Amedio Jungle, or Hepmonaland do not receive thius ability.

Northern Resistance

You are from the Thillonrian Peninsula and are constantly exposed too harsh elements, as such many have developed resistance to their environment.

Benefit: A Suloise character with this ability has a +4 to saves against all cold effects and cold-based attacks. Even with a failed save, this character will experience only half the duration and half the damage that is normal for said effect.

Sea Breather

You are a capable swimmer and are very comfortable at sea.

Benefit: A Suloise character with a proficiency in swimming who takes this ability can hold their breath underwater for twice the duration dictated by their Constitution score. They also receive a +2 bonus to save against all water-based attacks.

Slerotin’s Eye

Though Slerotin’s final fate remains a mystery, it is speculated that a female from each of the families saved by Slerotin bore him a child with the hope of imbuing their bloodline with the power of this seer.

Benefit: A Suloise character with this feat receives premonitions and glimpses of the future. This Suloise character gains a +2 bonus to all Initiative rolls.

Special: The DM may also use this premonition ability as a red herring for adventures.


The Suloise of the Scarlet Brotherhood and followers of Syrul are well-versed in the arts of disguise and lies.

Benefit: Suloise characters who take this ability receive a +2 bonus to both the Disguise and Fast-Talking nonweapon proficiencies. This character may also use a Rush Diplomacy if he has spent five or more slots in Fast-Talking. This character receives an additional -2 to their Fast-Talking rolls but may use their Fast-Talking proficiency to influence people like a Diplomacy check.


You like many of the Suloise people, hail from civilized lands and pursue many fields of study.

Benefit: A Suloise character with this ability can choose several non-class skills equal to their Intelligence bonus. These skills are treated as class skills for this Suloise character. For example, a Suloise fighter may take any rogue (or priest, or wizard) nonweapon proficiency slot for the cost of only one slot to themselves instead of double the cost.

Special: Suloise characters from the Thillonrian Peninsula, Amedio Jungle, and Hepmonaland cannot take this feat.

[[The Suloise by Dennis Lovatt, Oerth Journal #27 April 2016 & Adapted for AD&D]


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