Avoreen Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Arvoreen (pronounced: /ˈærvoʊrin/ ARR-voh-reen), also known as The Defender or The Wary Sword was the closest the halflings had to a war god, but he was actually the halfling pantheon's deity of defense, guardians, and watchers. Personality Arvoreen was strict and preached aggressive watchfulness but only to react to aggression. He didn't support starting conflicts unless it was done to stop evil practices. Arvoreen never attacked first and didn't hold thieving to be dishonorable as long as it was against a foe. However, it was extremely forbidden to steal from the Hin (halflings) or their allies.   Avatar The avatar of Arvoreen appeared as a handsome young muscular halfling dressed in light clothing and chain mail. His weapons of choice ranged from two short swords to a short sword and shield. He was always accompanied by a Keeper, and he sometimes appeared to go on patrol with his worshipers   Arvoreen lives in the halfling realm of the Green Fields on the plane of Mount Celestia.   Arvoreen's clerics wear silver chainmail and helmets. His sacred animal is the war dog.   Arvoreen is worshipped before battle. Silvered weapons are typically sacrificed to him when followers seek his blessing. The Defender, The Vigilant Guardian, The Wary Sword God of martial defense, protection, war, vigilance, halfling warriors, and duty Intermediate god Alignment: Lawful Good Domains: Good, Halfling, Law, Protection, War Symbol: Two crossed short swords Arvoreen (pronounced ARE-voh-reen) the Defender, fiery guardian of the home, is the nearest thing to a halfling war god. He is a god of stern defense and aggressive watchfulness, who is always preparing for incursions into halfling lands and making ready to repulse hostile creatures at the first sign of trouble. Arvoreen is venerated primarily by halfling fighters, but also by fighter/thieves who prefer the former set of skills over the latter.   Arvoreen is anxiously protective of the halfling race, and he is always alert to impending dangers. The Defender, although quite powerful, is not a particularly aggressive deity. He only engages in combat if he is attacked, though he does seek out his enemies and actively confront them to get them to desist from their evil practices. He does not go very far out of his way to avoid combat if it occurs, however, and fights to the finish. Although he stops short of advocating war, Arvoreen is not shy about pointing out folks who are acting suspiciously, after all, they just might be evil in disguise. He is more serious and less carefree and joyful than the typical halfling (or halfling deity) and serves as a reminder that the safety they currently enjoy was hard won and can be easily lost.   Arvoreen sends avatars to defend and patrol halfling communities very readily. Arvoreen may reward warriors who have defended halfling communities with a minor magical item, even if of another race. His omens to his priests are usually direct warnings of impending danger and the need for battle readiness.   Arvoreen spends most of his time in Green Fields drilling "the Keepers", an elite group of halfling warrior spirits who have died in battle. Here, the god feasts and celebrates, and plans defenses with them.   Church Militant: Arvoreen's worshipers follow a doctrine of guardianship, stern defense, and aggressive watchfulness. When an enemy strikes, his halfling servants strike back with precision and decisiveness thanks to reconnaissance missions into enemy territory and a strict, almost unhalflinglike regimen of martial training. Clerics spend their days constructing fortifications, signaling systems, beacons and traps that further protect halfling enclaves. They patrol the community, sniffing out possible threats from within, as well as without. Many organize local militias and instruct young halflings in bladecraft (particularly as related to the short sword). Arvoreen's temples usually resemble easily defensible keeps or redoubts, and serve as a final fall-back position if enemies breech the community's outer defenses. Martial Pacifist: Arvoreen remains ever aware of dangers facing halfling communities, but prefers a reactive rather than proactive agenda. Protectorate: He sends avatars to defend and patrol halfling communities very readily. The Strategist: Arvoreen is venerated by halfling warriors for his clever tactics in battle, and his ability to use speed and smallness to defeat a much larger foe. Every community practices its own version of Arvoreen's favored tactics: Scatterstrike: The halflings run in every direction as if in a panic, but then they regroup and circle back to attack with a concentrated effort. Turtle Shell: Halflings cluster together and cover each other with shields, washtubs, wheelbarrows, coffer lids, or anything else that can deflect a blow. Troll Knocker: A few halflings act as bait to lure a troll or other large creature into a clearing where the rest of the group can hurl stones at it from concealment to confuse the monster, persuading it to seek other prey. Swarming Stickwhackers Halflings rush an intruder in waves, swatting the enemy with sticks on all sides. Fiddle and Crack: A halfling fiddler lures the monster into a trap, usually a net or a pit, followed by several burly halflings wielding large sticks and hitting the monster from a safe vantage. War God: Arvoreen is the nearest thing to a halfling war god. He is a deity of "active defense", believing in aggressive preparation for incursions into halfling lands and being ready to repulse hostile creatures at the first sign of trouble.




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