Yondalla Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Yondalla has two aspects: the Provider and the Protector. As the Provider, she is a goddess of fertility and growing things, of birth and youth. She can make barren things fertile and increase the growing rate of plants and animals ta any speed she chooses. What she can give, she can also take away: with a wave of her hand she can affect creatures as if three charges had been expended from a staff of withering, i.e. inflict 2-5 hit points damage, age them 10 years, and wither and shrivel a limb or member so that it becomes useless. She can do this once per round, and there is no saving throw vs. this ability.

As the Protector, Yondalla wards off evil influences and intrusions (thus her shield symbol), and gives halflings the strength and determination to defend themselves. In this aspect, Yondalla most often uses her illusionist powers to protect her worshipers.

Halflings set aside one day per week for worship of Yondalla (called "safeday"), a day which is most spent in rest and play. Non-player character halfling clerics may rise to the 5th level of ability.


Title(s) The Protector and Provider, the Nurturing Matriarch, the Blessed One

Home plane Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia

Power level Greater

Alignment Chaotic Neutral / Lawful Good

Portfolio Protection, fertility

Domains Family, Good, Halfling, Law, Protection

Yondalla is represented as a strong female halfling with red-golden hair, looking determined and proud. She dresses in green, yellow, and brown, and carries a shield. Yondalla has two aspects that the halflings speak of in front of others: the Provider and the Protector. As the Provider, she is a goddess of fertility and growing things, of birth and youth. She can make barren things fertile and increase the growing rate of plants and animals to any speed she chooses. She can equally easily make fertile things barren, if she chooses. She can age, wither, and slay as easily as she can create, though it takes much to drive her to do this. As Protector, Yondalla wards off evil influences and intrusions and gives halflings the strength and determination to defend themselves. In this aspect, Yondalla most often uses her illusionist abilities to protect her worshippers.

Dallah Thaun, the Lady of Mysteries, is Yondalla's dark, hidden aspect. She is the great secret of the halfling race, who do not share knowledge of Dallah Thaun with outsiders. She was physically split from Yondalla when she created (or discovered) the halfling race, but she and Yondalla are still one being. What one knows, the other knows, and those that worship Dallah Thaun are also worshipping Yondalla (and vice versa).

Dallah Thaun is Chaotic Neutral, and considered an intermediate goddess. She is represented with dark hair and eyes, and dresses all in black. Where Yondalla nurtures the survivors of a tragedy, Dallah Thaun seeks vengeance. Where Yondalla the Provider creates fertility and plenty, Dallah Thaun urges the halflings to seek wealth. Dallah Thaun, in short, does the dirty work, while Yondalla keeps her hands clean. Dallah Thaun is the goddess of secrets, lies, half-truths, flattery, manipulation, and stealth. The two halves of the goddess do not, and cannot quarrel over their respective methods, different as they may be. They are the same person, with each fulfilling her respective role.

Yondalla lives in the halfling realm of the Green Fields on the plane of Mount Celestia.

Yondalla smiles upon her followers when they aid and help others and respect the dead. She frowns upon sacrifices and killing fellow halfings. Her sacred animal is the dove.

Yondalla's clerics wear yellow-green saffron cloaks.

Wayward Wardens

Yondalla has a special order of priests called "The Wayward Wardens". It is made of priests stricken with wanderlust who wish to see the world. They never settle long in one place for long periods of time. They come to the aid of halfling communities needing protection. The Wayward Wardens are a loosely organized fellowship of Yondallan priests. Wayward Wardens serve the Provider and Protector by coming to the defense of besieged or threatened halfling communities in need of additional protectors.

Yondalla is worshipped in the homes of halflings. Weekly food offerings are sacrificed to her.

Halflings set aside one day a week for worship of Yondalla (this day is called "Safeday"), a day which is mostly spent in rest, playing, and eating.

The Protector and Provider, The Nurturing Matriarch, The Blessed One

Greater Deity

Symbol: Shield bearing cornucopia (horn of plenty)

Home Plane: Celestia

Alignment: Lawful good

Portfolio: Halflings, protection, fertility

Worshipers: Halflings, explorers, pioneers

Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, LN

Domains: Good, Law, Protection

Favored Weapon: Short sword

The deity of halflings, Yondalla (yon-dah-lah), appears as a strong female halfling, with a proud bearing. She dresses in green, yellow, and brown, and always carries a shield. Yondalla is the creator and protector of the halfling race.


Yondalla espouses harmony within the halfling race and stalwart defense against its enemies. She urges her people to work with others but to remain true to their halfling heritage. Most halflings heed this advice, which allows them to form close-knit enclaves where halflings are welcomed, even when they have settled in areas where other creatures predominate. Yondalla also teaches that opportunities are there to be seized, which leads most halflings to be both adaptable and somewhat opportunistic. Yondalla brooks no evil among halflings, but she does not despise any halfling. Rather, she seeks to guide halflings who have lost their way back to their homes and friends.

Clergy and Temples

Clerics of Yondalla are concerned with all areas of halfling life, except for thievery. (Thievery arises among halflings, the clerics say, from a too-liberal interpretation of Yondalla’s advice about seizing opportunities.) Yondalla’s clerics officiate at weddings and funerals, bless crops and new ventures, and lay plans for community defense. Temples dedicated to Yondalla are often set amid bountiful gardens or farm fields. They always contain storehouses stuffed with food and other necessities, They also contain armories and fortified sections where local halflings can safely ride out natural disasters or enemy attack.



MOVE: 12"



DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type


SPECIAL DEFENSES: + 3 or better weapon to hit


SIZE: M (4W toll)

ALIGNMENT: Lawful good

WORSHIPER'S ALIGN: Lawful good (halflings)

SYMBOL: Shield

PLANE: Seven Heavens

CLERIC/DRUID: 12th level in each

FIGHTER: 10th level fighter

MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST: 25th level illusionist

THIEF/ASSASSIN: 15th level thief



S: 19(+3, +7) 1:25 W:25 D:25 C:23 CH:22

Sorcerer 12/Paladin 13/Cleric 15

Small Outsider (Good, Lawful)

Divine Rank: 18

Hit Dice: 20d8+200 (outsider) plus 12d4+120 (Sor) plus 13d10+130 (Pal) plus 15d8+150 (Clr) (1,058 hp)

Initiative: +17, always first (+13 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative, Supreme Initiative)

Speed: 50 ft.

AC: 91 (+1 size, +13 Dex, +18 divine, +31 natural, +6 armor [+5 animated deflection reflecting buckler], +12 deflection)

Attacks*: +5 lawful defending speed short sword +75/+75/+70/+65/+60 melee; or spell +65 melee touch or +72 ranged touch *Always receives a 20 on attack rolls; roll die to check for critical hit.

Damage*: +5 lawful defending speed short sword 1d6+11/17–20; or by spell *Always does maximum damage (short sword 17 points).

Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Smite evil (+12 on attack and +13 on damage), turn undead 19/day, domain powers, salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities.

Special Qualities: Divine immunities, DR 53/+4, fire resistance 38, fast healing 38, spontaneous casting of divine spells, understand, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 18 miles, remote communication, godly realm, teleport without error at will, plane shift at will, familiar (bears), aura of courage, detect evil, divine grace, divine health, lay on hands, remove disease 4/week, SR 70, divine aura (18 miles, DC 35).

Saves*: Fort +60, Ref +65, Will +65. *Always receives a 20 on saves.

Abilities: Str 22, Dex 37, Con 30, Int 25, Wis 40, Cha 34.

Skills*: Alchemy +40, Animal Empathy +53, Appraise +48, Bluff +53, Climb +26, Concentration +71, Craft (leatherworking) +88, Craft (metalworking) +88, Craft (woodworking) +88, Diplomacy +68, Handle Animal +46, Heal +49, Hide +33, Intimidate +32, Jump +26, Knowledge (arcana) +72, Knowledge (nature) +48, Listen +60, Move Silently +34, Profession (farmer) +96, Ride (horse) +33, Scry +51, Search +48, Sense Motive +56, Spellcraft +51, Spot +58. *Always receives a 20 on checks.

Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Divine

Vengeance, Dodge, Expertise, Extra Turning, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Critical (short sword), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Sacred Spell, Spell Penetration, Spring Attack, Superior Expertise, Track, Weapon Focus (short sword), Whirlwind Attack.

Divine Immunities: Ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, death effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, mindaffecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, transmutation, imprisonment, banishment.

Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Reality, Alter Size, Alter Form, Area Divine Shield, Avatar, Battlesense, Command Plants, Control Creatures (halflings), Create Greater Object, Create Object, Divine Blast, Divine Creation, Divine Dodge, Divine Fast Healing, Divine Shield, Divine Weapon Focus (short sword), Gift of Life, Ignore Arcane Spell Failure†, Increased Spell Resistance, Mass Divine Blast, Speak with Creatures (animals), Speak with Creatures (plants), Supreme Initiative. †Unique ability, described below.

Domain Powers: Cast good spells at +1 caster level; cast law spells at +1 caster level; 18/day protective ward (touched subject gains +15 resistance bonus on next saving throw, maximum duration 1 hour).

Spell-Like Abilities: Yondalla uses these abilities as a 28th-level caster, except for good spells and law spells, which she uses as a 29th-level caster. The save DCs are 35 + spell level. Aid, antimagic field, blade barrier, calm emotions, dictum, dispel chaos, dispel evil, hold monster, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against evil, mind blank, order’s wrath, prismatic sphere, protection from chaos, protection from elements, protection from evil, repulsion, sanctuary, shield of law, shield other, spell immunity, spell resistance, summon monster IX (as good or law spell only).

Cleric Spells/Day: 6/10/10/10/8/8/7/6/4; base DC = 25 + spell level.

Paladin Spells/Day: 5/5/5; base DC = 25 + spell level.

Sorcerer Spells Known (6/9/9/9/9/7/5; base DC = 22 + spell level): 0—arcane mark, detect magic, detect poison, ghost sound, light, mage hand, mending, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st—alarm, detect secret doors, expeditious retreat, grease, obscuring mist; 2nd—arcane lock, detect thoughts, glitterdust, see invisibility, summon swarm; 3rd—displacement, fly, halt undead, sleet storm; 4th—confusion, Otiluke’s resilient sphere, solid fog; 5th—animal growth, Bigby’s interposing hand; 6th— Bigby’s forceful hand.

Ignore Arcane Spell Failure (unique salient divine ability): Yondalla ignores the arcane spell failure chance for carrying a shield or buckler.

Possessions: Yondalla wields Hornblade, her short sword, in combat. Hornblade is a +5 short sword with the lawful, defending, and speed special abilities.

Caster Level: 25th; Weight: 3 lb.

Other Divine Powers

As a greater deity, Yondalla automatically receives the best possible result on any die roll she makes (including attack rolls, damage, checks, and saves). She is immortal.

Senses: Yondalla can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of eighteen miles. Yondalla sees equally well in full daylight, twilight, moonlight, or starlight, but she cannot see in total darkness. As a standard action, she can perceive anything within eighteen miles of her worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of her titles or name was spoken in the last hour. She can extend her senses to up to twenty locations at once. She can block the sensing power of deities of her rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 18 hours.

Portfolio Sense: Yondalla senses anything that affects halfling welfare eighteen weeks before it happens and retains the sensation for eighteen weeks after the event occurs. She is similarly aware of the birth of any halfling.

Automatic Actions: Yondalla can use Craft (leatherworking), Craft (metalworking), Craft (woodworking), Knowledge (arcana), or Knowledge (nature) as a free action if the DC for the task is 30 or lower. She can perform up to twenty such free actions each round.

Create Magic Items: Yondalla can create armor and magical protection devices, such as bracers of armor, a ring of protection, or a cloak of resistance.


Yondalla sends her avatars to wander halfling lands, keeping an eye out for trouble, and aiding with agriculture and other community activities.

Avatar of Yondalla: As Yondalla except divine rank 9; AC 73 (touch 45, flat-footed 60 Atk +66/+66/+61/+56/+51 melee (1d6+11/17–20, +5 lawful defending speed short sword) or spell +55 melee touch or +62 ranged touch; SQ DR 44/+4, fire resistance 29, SR 61, divine aura (900 ft., DC 26 SV Fort +51, Ref +56, Will +56; all skill modifiers reduced by 9.

Salient Divine Abilities:Alter Size, Area Divine Shield, Divine Dodge, Divine Fast Healing, Divine Shield, Divine Weapon Focus (short sword), Gift of Life, Increased Spell Resistance, Speak with Creatures (animals), Speak with Creatures (plants), Supreme Initiative. Spell-Like Abilities: Caster level 19th; saving throw DC 26 + spell level.



Daughter of Yondalla

Yondalla's children

Yondalla's children







Yondalla's children


Yondalla's children



Mutual respect







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