Daern Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Daern is the Oeridian hero-deity of defenses and fortifications. Daern's holy symbol is a shield hanging from a parapet. She is often associated with gryphons.   Daern is depicted as a black-haired Oeridian woman with a plain face and strong blue eyes.   Daern's apotheosis was sponsored by Delleb. She is allied with Heironeous.   Daern's priests often advise military leaders on proper placement and construction of fortifications, castles, and keeps. Her priests are valued among rulers who wish to establish stronger borders. The priesthood favors the shortspear.   In her mortal life, Daern was responsible for the construction of a number of famous fortifications, including Castle Blazebane in Almor and Tarthax (currently known as Goldbolt) near Rel Deven. Some sources in the Great Kingdom imply that she was involved in the construction of the Imperial Palace at Rauxes, though this event occurred some time after her supposed death (some time after the Battle of a Fortnight's Length in -110 CY). The Tower of Daern in Irongate was based on her plans.   Daern's Instant Fortress is a magic item that appears as a small metal cube. When its command word is spoken, the cube grows into a 30-foot tall tower instantly.   Daern is known to have authored the following works: Components and Reactions of Phosphorus (DR#82.58)

Delleb sponsored Daern to godhood

According to rumors whispered by those knowledgeable in such arcane matters, Delleb was the deity who sponsored Daern, hero-goddess of defenses and fortifications, to her present exalted state.



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