Oeridian Pantheon Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Oeridian Pantheon

The following deities make up the Oeridian pantheon:

  • Bleredd
  • Celestian
  • Cyndor
  • Daern
  • Delleb
  • Erythnul
  • Fharlanghn
  • Heironeous
  • Hextor
  • Johydee
  • Kurell
  • Kuroth
  • Lirr
  • Merikka
  • Olidammara
  • Pholtus
  • Procan
  • Rudd
  • Sol, the name by which Pelor was known by early Oeridians.
  • Stern Alia
  • Stratis
  • The Velaeri, a collective name for the Oeridian agricultural gods Velnius, Telchur, Atroa, Sotillion, and Wenta.
  • Zilchus

Many Oeridian deities are linked by family ties. Hextor, god of conquest, and Heironeous, god of honor, are half-brothers.[1]


Procan, the Storm Lord, is a god of the seas. He is the father of the four wind deities Atroa, Sotillon, Telchur and Wenta, and his eldest son, the sky god Velnius.


Zilchus, god of wealth, is husband of Sotillon, goddess of summer, and brother to Kurell, god of theft.


Fharlanghn, god of travel on land, is the brother of Celestian, god of the stars.


Pholtus is the god of light. Cyndor is the god of time, who leads Merikka, goddess of agriculture.


Bleredd is the god of the forge who taught ironworking to the Oeridians long ago, and husband of Ulaa the Stonewife, goddess of mountains. Delleb is the god of study, while Lirr is the goddess of poetry and art. Erythnul is the god of slaughter.


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