Incabulos Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Incabulos (in-CAB-yoo-lohs)

Greater Powers

(The Black Rider), NE greater god of Plagues, Sickness, Famine, Nightmares, Drought, and Disasters

Incabulos is the deity of evil sendings — plague, sickness, drought, nightmares, and the like. His chief delights are woe and wickedness. Thus, he is feared by even the princes of Hades and dukes of Hell. Incabulos is so horrible-looking as to make anyone shudder, with his nightmarish visage, deformed body, and skeletal hands. Clad in robes of dead black lined with cloth of sickly orange hue and nauseating moss green, he roams the Astral, Ethereal, and Prime Material Planes, the latter during darkness only. Often he rides a huge nightmare, accompanied by six of the strongest night hags likewise mounted.

In addition to his many other abilities and powers, Incabulos can cast a sleep spell which is permanent, and can be removed only by exorcism. His normal weapon is a staff which causes great wounds, affecting any creature, plant or animal struck. Incabulos also is believed to employ a venomous bastard sword at times. In time of need Incabulos will summon aid by gating in night hags or hordlings. These arrive individually, and serve Incabulos willingly.

Those who worship and serve Incabulos are most secretive, fearing the wrath of those (even other evil ilk) who detest what Incabulos stands for. Yet many do call upon this deity, and hidden temples exist in subterranean places and forsaken lands. His priesthood dresses in black, of course, with the eye of possession symbol in verdigrised bronze, repeated in dull orange on the robes of higher clerics. Services to honor Incabulos have weird humming and droning chants as background. Multiple evils are celebrated by the faithful, while flickering black candles dimly light the altar areas. All vessels are of old bronze, carnelian, or bloodstone.

Incabulos (in-CAB-yoo-lohs) is a dread power feared by mortals, fiends, and (it is said) even some gods. The bringer of disease and blights is a terrifying figure—deformed body, skeletal hands, nightmarish visage, and garbed in a black robe lined with orange and green. He rides a nightmare and is accompanied by hags. He causes a nightmarish slumber in any who meet his eyes, and his great staff causes seeping wounds and withers flesh with a touch. His symbol is the magic icon for the eye of possession. Incabulos hates all other gods, although he is indifferent to Nerull, who completes the work Incabulos starts.

The suffering of the world is meat and bread to Incabulos. Sickness, famine, and other curses bring him power. Some feel that the Black Rider can be warded off or appeased by prayers; but this only delays the inevitable. The world of dreams is his battleground, and he wages war against minds just as he rots bodies.

Clerics of Incabulos are secretive and paranoid. Jus tifiably fearing persecution by good and evil folk, they rarely reveal themselves for what they are except in times of great despair when they can fan the emotions of the suffering. Greater clerics use threats and this state of fear to encourage junior members to maintain secrecy. They enjoy torturing others, inflicting dis ease, and spreading blight. They travel to find new locations or people to infect, escape those who would destroy them, or find strange lands where exotic dis eases can be found.

Domains Death, Evil, Destruction; Weapons quarterstaff

Incabulos is the Power of evil sendings— plague, sickness, drought, famine, nightmares. He is hideous in aspect, with skeletal hands, a deformed body, and a nightmarish visage. The black-cloaked rider of nightmare steeds has few worshipers in the Flanaess, but many seek to propitiate him with offerings. This is especially true in lands ravaged by famine, where disease has spread from unburied bodies on battlefields, and where chronic fear grips the common folk.

The scattered priests of this Power have opportunities to sway hearts and minds in places of despair. Incabulos delights in being feared as much as in being revered; he is said to be able to use an almost irresistible sleep spell on victims, but he loves to sense their abject fear before he closes their eyes.

Those who worship this terrible Power are in tensely secretive. Even other evil priesthoods hate them. Incabulos's temples are always subterranean affairs in forsaken lands or desolate places. Services to the Power feature weird humming and droning chants in near darkness, illuminated only by light from fat, smoky black candles. Followers celebrate multiple iniquities with their priests and pray for the arrival of more evils into the world.

AL Neutral evil; WAL Any evil; SoC Evil, Plagues, Nightmares; SY Eye of possession; CR Black, orange; PN Hades

Incabulos is the deity of evil sendings: sickness, famine, drought, and disaster. Being a baneful deity, he does not have a large following. Nevertheless, common folk throughout the Flanaess give him offerings, usually foul-smelling, guttering black candles, trying to appease him and avoid his wrath. Despicable persons of all sorts venerate Incabulos, respecting his power and malignancy. Temples to Incabulos are hidden underground or in isolated, desolate wildernesses. Services are held in secret, with the scene dimly lit by fat, smoky, black candles. The faithful celebrate multiple iniquities, while the priests hum and chant monotonously or join the debauchery.

Incabulos's Priests

The priesthood is highly secretive; many members are paranoid to the point of insanity. Fear and threats are used to maintain secrecy and the obedience of juniors. Priests of Incabulos revel in suffering, slow tortures, and inflicting disease and misfortunes.

Incabulos’ priests are most secretive, fearing the wrath of those who detest what Incabulos represents. Priests dress in black during services and are masters of disguise.

At first level, clerics of Incabulos have a 20% immunity to all diseases and slimes, including those caused by cause disease or plague spells, mummy rot, or green slime, violet fungi, and similar creatures. This resistance increases by 2% for each level gained.

When they reach 5th level, clerics gain the ability to cast a hypnotism spell, once per day, at 3rd level ability. Thereafter, the level of casting ability increases by one every time the cleric gains a level.

When they reach 8th level, clerics gain the ability to cast a permanent sleep spell once per day. Casting time is one segment, and the spell affects one touched creature in a round (save vs. spells at - 3 negates).

Requirements: AB Std; AL any evil; WP any (staff 1st)*, club, flail, mace, lasso, sling; AR any; AEx +5%; RA black robe with orange and green detailing; SP Astral, Divination*(minor), Healing (rev), Necromantic (rev), Summoning, Sun (rev SPL plague; PW 1) 20% immunity to all diseases and slimes—increases by 2% per level thereafter, 5) hypnotism (Wl), 6) contagion (W4), 7) enervation (W4), 8) sleep by touch (affects one creature, effect is permanent until magically dispelled TU command; ADD plague, dispel magic, bestow curse, spike growth, giant insect, spike stones, quest, transmute water to dust, wall of thorns, weather summoning, creeping doom, insect plague, earthquake.

  Link to explanation of Priests abbreviations  

Incabulos’ Avatar

HD 18; THACO 12; SpA CL/MU 13/13; MV 15”; AC -4; hp 83; #AT 1; Dmg ld6 + 1 + special; MR 45%; SZ M; Str 16, Int 18, Wis 15, Dex 17, Con 19, Cha 13

Incabulos appears as a horrid-looking man of indeterminate age with skin tinged a diseased blue. He has a twisted, nightmarish visage, deformed body, and skeletal appendages. He wears a filthy robe colored dead black, lined with sickly orange and trimmed in moss green. He visits the Prime Material Plane only during darkness, and he rides a nightmare with maximum hit points when it pleases him to do so.

Once per day, Incabulos can gate in four night hags or eight hordlings (but not both or any combination of the two). The gate always opens, and one creature arrives each round until the full number is attained. These creatures serve willingly.

His most common avatar is hit only by weapons of + 3 or better enchantment, regenerates 2 hit points per round, and has the abilities of a 13th level thief.

Once per day, Incabulos can cast a double strength sleep spell, each casting takes two segments. Once per day, he can also cast a permanent sleep spell that can affect any creature he touches. Only an exorcism spell can awaken the victim (saving throw vs spells negates the effect).

Incabulos’ favorite weapon his staff of wounding, which combines the powers of a staff of withering with a reversed staff of curing. The item has 60 charges, and only Incabulos can recharge it.


Additional Spells

Plague (Alteration)

Level: 4

Components: S, M

Range: 10 yards

Duration: 6 turns

Casting time: 7 segs.

Saving Throw: Special

Area of Effect: special

This spell allows the cleric to inflict a virulent, infectious disease on a single target. If the target makes a save vs. spells, there is no effect. If the save fails, the target immediately suffers an attack of plague, becoming feverish and disoriented with illness for six turns. During this time, the victim loses 10% of his original hit points, loses one point of Strength and Constitution, and suffers a -2 to saving throws and “to hit” rolls, and is +2 to be hit.

All creatures (and characters) within 10 feet of the victim must pass a constitution check or contract the plague themselves. Creatures currently suffering from the plague cannot contract multiple cases, and creatures within range of more than one victim need check only once.

When the plague attack ends, the penalties end, but lost hit points and ability scores take ld6 days to return. Before the plague’s effects wear off there is one final attack, and the victim must make a constitution check against his lowered score. If this fails, the victim dies; if the victim survives, lost hit points and ability scores return.

Incabulos' realm is Charnelhouse (Hades) and is located on the first layer of the Gray Waste, Oinos.
Religious, Organised Religion


At War

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