Knights of Luna

The Knights of Luna is an elven order of knighthood dedicated to preserving the monarchy of Celene and the noble traditions of the elves throughout the central Flanaess. They espouse values that call for elven leadership in the cause of Good, and noblesse oblige toward their allied kindred and the lesser races. Most of the leading members of this order are gray elves from the Grand Court of Celene, although they are currently at odds with the policies of their fey queen and her councilors. Numbering just over two hundred knights, this order includes many high elves and half-elves, many of them wizards as well as fighters. The majority live and operate in Celene, but increasingly they are found in the Duchy of Ulek, with a small presence among the elves of Highfolk and the Fairdells.

No strict hierarchy exists among the Knights of Luna, though Melf, Prince Brightflame of Celene (NG male elf Wiz14/Ftr4), is their acknowledged leader. Generally, the most senior and experienced knights have the most authority, and they are permitted to take squires of any elven or part-elven lineage. Knightly quests are typically the province of young, inexperienced members of the order. Successful completion of a score or more quests allow a knight to gain rank and a squire. Several highly successful adventurers in Sterich are Knights of Luna who helped reclaim that realm. All questing knights must tithe part of the treasure they acquire; since the end of the Greyhawk Wars, this payment has supported the Knights of the High Forest.

Though no formal alliance exists between the Knights of Luna and the Knights of the Hart, the two groups at times assist each other. They both consider Iuz to be the greatest menace to the cause of Good in the Flanaess, though the Knights of Luna are also foremost in the fight against the Pomarj nonhumans. The isolationism of Celene is a cause of great contention between the Knights of Luna and the rest of the Grand Court. The knights attempt to influence the policies of Celene by reasoned debate and by hosting foreign dignitaries and sponsoring them at court. They also support limited military actions, particularly on Celene's southern border and in the Principality of Ulek.

Military, Knightly Order


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