Knights of the Hart

Once the least militant major order of knights in the Flanaess, the Knights of the Hart have lately become more "aggressively defensive" in nature. These knights have a tripartite organization formed in ancient days to serve the needs of the lords of Furyondy, Highfolk, and Veluna Because these states are decentralized and thus severely threatened by sudden invasion from any quarter, the Knights of the Hart bulwark standing armies and hunt for potential threats. The Knights of the Hart must swear to serve as a vanguard of defense at an instant's notice, maintaining certain strongholds, serving in local governments, and supporting scouting actions into mountains, forests, and countryside (where they often personally mete out justice to the lawless).

Membership in the Knights of the Hart is open to commoners and nobles alike, provided each candidate is devoted to the protection of Furyondy, Highfolk, and Veluna. Further, each candidate must possess proven combat skills and have performed an act of exceptional honor, bravery, courage, and service.

Since the Greyhawk Wars and Great Northern Crusade, all Knights of the Hart oppose Iuz in every way; they live to destroy him, his armies, and his empire. The order also has a long-held dislike of Perrenland, Dyvers, Nyrond, the Knights of Holy Shielding, and the Knights of the Watch, each for separate reasons.

The three orders of the Knights of the Hart are as follows.

Knights of Furyondy: This branch now has 170 knights and many associated warriors under its command. About 50 Knights of Furyondy died during the Greyhawk Wars and Great Northern Crusade (583-588 CY). The branch's primary concerns are the recruitment of new members, without lowering its standards to do so, and the maintenance of all strongholds along the border with Iuz. The order accepts humans and half-elves. The coat of arms is azure, a pair of antlers or.

Knights of Veluna: Only 120 knights are in this politically active branch; each is of great repute and commands many sergeants and warriors. The order once admitted only fighters, but recently it has brought in several fighting clerics of renown. All members of the Knights of Veluna are landowners, and the order values diplomacy and negotiation as much as it values skill with blades. Most members worship Rao, though a growing number swear to the faiths of Mayaheine or St. Cuthbert, and a few to Heironeous. The order accepts humans and half elves. The coat of arms is sable, a pair of antlers or.

Knights of the High Forest: This order's forty five members are exclusively olve. These elves are skilled in forest skirmishing, spending their short time outside the forest as merchant lords in the High Vale, where they are justly hailed as heroes while they try to raise money for their cause. The coat of arms is vert, a pair of antlers or.

Military, Knightly Order

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