Lydia Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Lydia (LIH-dee-ah)

NG lesser goddess of Music, Knowledge, and Daylight

Lydia (LIH-dee-ah) is a wise Suel goddess, shown as a dynamic older woman with white hair and clear blue eyes. Her symbol is a spray of colors from an open hand. She interacts with many other gods, exchanging information and songs. In some ways she is the converse of Pholtus, pressing for individual liberty so that others may see the light of truth without being blinded by it; this pleases Trithereon, who also strives for the freedom of the individual.

People must gain knowledge to better themselves. Music is a key to learning, and the light of day lets one see their own ignorance. Lydia's church has an open policy on all records, for the goddess hates secrets and those who would hoard information to the detriment of others. Her teachings are presented in song form so that they may be easily remembered, and her church often converts current and historical texts into ballads. Her church uses education to uplift women from lesser stations in life; this tends to make her unpopular with patriarchies.

Most of her clerics are women. They discover and spread information wherever they travel, and are often found in the company of clerics of Fharlanghn. They are required to help women in need of education, and they spend much of their time in villages teaching women and children how to read and acting as midwives. They travel to discover lost caches of information and song, preferring historical accounts of actual deeds rather than fictionalizations and hearsay tales.

Domains Good, Knowledge, Sun, Travel; Weapons shaft of light (shortspear)

Lydia's realm is Release From Care (Elysium)

Trithereon is pleased with Lydia's philosophy of individual empowerment through learning.




Lydia opposes Pholtus

She opposes Pholtus, feeling that others must see the light of truth without being blinded by it.


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