Ye'Cind Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Ye'Cind (yee-SIND)

(The Bard), CG demigod of Music and Magical Songs

Ye'Cind (yee-SIND) was once a skilled elven wizard and master bard. After a flawless performance on his Recorder in front of agents of the Seldarine, Corellon Larethian manifested to the musician and offered him the gift of divinity as a reward for his diligence. He accepted and was infused with a spark of Corellon's power, which changed Ye'Cind so that he was like Corellon himself, with elements both male and female. Ye'Cind is shown as an attractive elf in blue and green, playing a recorder (his holy symbol). His allies include Olidammara, Lydia, and the good powers of the Seldarine, while he opposes powers of evil magic.

Music is a minor of the patterns and energy of the uni verse. The rush of a waterfall, wind through the trees, the crackle of a fire, and the thunder of an avalanche are all parts of the world's music. It transcends languages and race, promoting understanding or inspiring the rage of ven geance. Enhanced by magic, a song can alter the world or change the course of history, and tying music and magic together creates something more powerful and fundamental than either alone.

Ye'Cind's clerics are scholars of music. They are versant in the use of many instruments and many dabble in other sorts of magic. They seek out songs, exotic noises of nature, magical lore, and master per formers in the hopes of increasing their musical repertoire and understanding of the chords of magic that exist under the surface of everything in the world. Many are talented songwriters, weaving subtle magic into their works.

Domains Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Magic; Weapons longsword(m)


Ye'Cind is the elven demigod of Music and Magical Songs. He spends most of his time in the realm of Brightwater in Arborea. His holy symbol is a recorder.

Ye'Cind is shown as an attractive elf wearing blue and green clothing. Like his patron Corellon, he is male and female, both and neither.

Ye'Cind's allies include Olidammara, Lydia, and the good deities of the Seldarine. He opposes gods who represent evil magic.

Ye'Cind teaches that music is an inherent part of the patterns of the multiverse, and that magic and music together can create something superior to either one alone.

Ye'Cind's clerics are scholars of music, who know how to play many different musical instruments. Many clerics are also talented composers who can weave subtle magics into their songs and music.


During his mortal life, Ye'Cind - skilled wizard and master bard - traveled, compiling and creating songs and ballads to tell the history of his beloved land. In time he became a bard of great renown, his notes inspiring romance in lovers and bringing laughter to the lips of weeping children. During a visit to one small kingdom, he witnessed the brutal slaying of a king, but he could not identify the assailant. Ye'Cind vanished during the night, determined to create an object that would reveal important truths. Two decades later he returned to the same kingdom for the same festival, and played before the new king with his Recorder. The years seemed to melt away as all in the crowd beheld a vision of their monarch, bloody knife in his hand, standing over the fresh corpse of his own brother. Ye'Cind smiled as the murderer was dragged away by his guards.


In time, Ye'Cind became so renowned that he was called before the Seldarine, the fraternity of elven gods, to perform at the court of the great god Corellon Larethian. That night he could do no wrong; his performance was absolutely flawless. Corellon was so moved that he transformed the minstrel, making him as androgynous and perfect as the gods themselves, a newly minted demigod.

Ye'Cind created the Recorder of Ye'Cind.

Ye'Cind is thought to have authored the following works: Theory of Occult Visual Shock (DR#82.58)

Creative origins Ye'Cind is named for Cindy, one of Gary Gygax's daughters.

Ye'Cind's realm is Brightwater (Arborea)




Lydia opposes Pholtus

She opposes Pholtus, feeling that others must see the light of truth without being blinded by it.


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