Trithereon the Summoner Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Trithereon the Summoner (tri-THEH-ree-on)

Intermediate Powers

(The Summoner), CG intermediate god of Indi viduality, Liberty, Retribution, and Self-Defense

Trithereon, "The Summoner," is the deity of individuality and the right of self-protection. His symbol, the rune of pursuit, indicates many things, including the need to strive for liberty and to seek to bring to an end those who are bent on abridging life or freedom. When upon the Prime Material Plane, Trithereon appears as a tall, well-built young man with red-gold hair and gray eyes. He is typically clad in pale blue or violet garb, with a shirt of golden chainmail often visible. He carries a broad-bladed spear, a broadsword, and a scepter in his broad girdle of gold-studded leather.

The spear is called Krelestro ("the Harbinger of Doom"). It returns to Trithereon's hand swiftly after being thrown. His sword is called "Freedom's Tongue." It can cause fear in all opponents of its wielder. The scepter is the Baton of Retribution. It can locate any enemy, anywhere, unless some extremely powerful magical protection against location exists. The scepter also permits its wielder to summon certain creatures, as detailed later.

Merely possessing the Baton of Retribution allows the possessor to travel to any place on any plane of existence not protected by some magic to prevent such entrance. When held and wielded, the baton will, upon desire, cause the surrounding area to become a strange plane, unfamiliar to those opposing the wielder of the device. Thus it could be a barren desert of purple rock and green skies, a swamp of milk-colored water with red plants, a featureless plain of gray and black whose ground glows as if it were translucent fire and whose heavens are black and opaque. At each such place, Trithereon must be answered one question truthfully, or else the creature in question will be consigned to the strange world for 100 years, barring some means of escape.

As "The Summoner," Trithereon is able to call up three creatures, one at a time, to pursue and combat those guilty of enslavement, abridgment of liberty, and similar crimes. The three creatures are:

Nemoud the Hound

Harrus the Falcon

Ca'rolk the Sea Lizard

The summoned creature will follow orders to the best of its ability.

Trithereon also can summon (through gates) any type of deva. He will do so only to combat great evil, of course.

Priests of Trithereon wear dark blue or purple robes, silver or gold trimmed. During special ceremonies they wear cassocks of golden red, emblazoned with the rune of pursuit. Curates and superiors are allowed the use of spears. Patriarchs and superiors can employ broadswords.

The followers of this deity are common in large towns and cities and in certain states in the Flanaess, notably the Yeomanry and the Shield Lands. Services include ceremonial flames, bells, and iron vessels and symbols of various types.

Trithereon (tri-THEH-ree-on) is shown as a tall well-built young man with red-gold hair, clad in a chainmail shirt and blue or violet clothes. His symbol is the rune of pursuit, representing his relent lessness in hunting down oppressors and tyrants. He is famous for his three great magic weapons (the shortspear Krelestro, the Harbinger of Doom; the sword Freedom's Tongue; and the scepter called the Baton of Retribution) and his three summoned animals (Nemoud the Hound, Harrus the Falcon, and Carolk the Sea Lizard). He fights evil and oppressive law, so he sometimes opposes other good-aligned deities such as Heironeous and Pholtus.

All deserve life and the ability to choose their own place in the world, and those who would place others in shackles or control them with oppressive laws must be toppled. Train the common folk to defend themselves and their property should another wish to take their freedoms, if you are wronged, you are right to exact vengeance yourself, especially if none will help you. Because the faith praises individuality over standardized doctrine, each church has a different focus but is allied with all others.

Trithereon's clerics are rugged individualists, never afraid to question authority. Those in cities instruct commoners in self-defense and recruit like-minded rogues and rangers for the cause of individual liberty. Those in rural areas act as scouts or spies against despotic lords or murderous nonhumans. Both sorts keep close watch on Lawful religions lest they become too powerful. The Summoner's clerics travel far and wide in search of those in need of their help.

Domains Chaos, Good, Protection, Strength; Weapons shortspear, longsword(m), greatclub(m)


Trithereon is the Power of individuality and the right to self-protection. His symbol, a pursuit rune, indicates the need to strive for liberty and to seek to bring an end to those bent on abridging life or freedom.

Trithereon is depicted as a tall, well-built young man with red-gold hair and gray eyes. He wears pale blue garb with golden chain mail, and carries a broad-bladed spear, a broadsword, and a scepter. It is said that Trithereon is able to summon many creatures to aid him in battle.

Trithereon's aspect as a Power of protection and revenge on wrongs appeals greatly to many people. In borderlands such as the Highfolk, Sunndi, and northern Furyondy, and especially to those seeking to regain lost homes (Geoff folk, Sterish, Ulek, Shield Land exiles), he has a burgeoning following. Even in a well-ordered land such as the Yeomanry, this chaotic, freedom fighting deity finds many passionate converts. This is the strongest-growing cult in the Flanaess, together with that of St. Cuthbert. Services to Trithereon include ceremonial flames, bell-ringing, displays of weaponry, and the triumphal procession of new converts to the faith.

Trithereon's Priests

In rural areas, the priests are spies and border skirmishers (where appropriate), and they work with woodsmen and demihumans to keep vigilant watch against despots and evil humanoids. In urban areas, the priesthood gives training in self protection and weapon use, regularly practices battle tactics, and recruits rangers and thieves to teach priests the skills of covert conflict.

Requirements: AB Std; AL CG; WP any (spear 1st, broadsword 2nd AR chain; RA blue robes; SP Astral, Chaos*, Charm*, Combat, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic*, Protection, Summoning, Sun*, Travelers'; SPL none; PW 3) can backstab with an edged weapon for double damage; 5) may use monster summoning spells from the wizard list as if priest spells of the same level; 8) animal summoning I; TU nil.

  Link to explanation of Priests abbreviations

priest of Trithereon

Trithereon's realm is the Forking Road (Arborea)

Religious, Other

Trithereon is pleased with Lydia's philosophy of individual empowerment through learning.

Sometimes in conflict

Bralm hates Trithereon for his promotion of individualism

At War


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