Principality of Redhand

Proper Name: The Principality of Redhand

Population: 25,000 (75% humans, 5% orc, 5% hobgoblin, 5% others.)

Ruler: Prince Zeech (LE male human Paladin L8 / Blackguard L8)

Government: Monarchy

Capital: Alhaster (LT)

Other Settlements: Balmund (ST), Trallant (ST)

Resources: Fishing,

Religions: Iuz, Hextor, Oldimarra, Heironious, Pholtus

Law: LE


Redhand is a feudal principality, currently under the sway of Iuz. Prince Zeech is its titular ruler, but he has sworn allegiance to Iuz. Alhaster is its capital city. Major towns also include Kellswald, Pomfrey and Trallant. It has three provinces, Alhaster, Morannon and Trallant. Its population is chiefly human, with orcs and goblinoids mixed in. Hobgoblins get along well in the region and are trusted by the human officers to a great extent.


Settlements and Locations within the Principality of Redhand:



Dyvynmere Marsh


Morannon Keep



Once the easternmost province of the Shield Lands, the Principality of Redhand long ago fell to the lure of decadence and evil. It is the only coastal province of the Combination of Free Lords, gathered squarely on the banks of the Nyr Dyv. It is also among the most prosperous provinces, continuing to enjoy trade with southern free cities of Dyvers and Greyhawk. The Rhenee bargefolk make up a sizeable part of the population, and the port is filled with them.


Redhand formally broke with the Shield Lands in CY 577, betraying the nation to the Horned Society and becoming one of that nation’s most powerful allies. In 579 CY, the Shield Lands were invaded by the Horned Society. As city after city fell, Prince Zeech and his forces stood neutral by the sidelines. For this, he has never been forgiven by the Shield Landers. The Church of Hextor rose to prominence inside the new monarchy, supported in part by Prince Zeech, himself a dedicated priest of the war god.


After years of conflict, the Horned Society was crushed. Not by the Shield Lands, but by Iuz. In a desperate bid to save his land (and life), Prince Zeech, an effete renegade Shield Lands lord, allied himself with the Old One in 583 CY. It was a move many of his rivals recognize as necessary, but no less repulsive. The spirit of the Horned Society lives on in Redhand and few relish the rule from Dorakaa.


The alliance saved his realm from destruction, though the old lords and soldiers of the realm chafed at taking orders from half-orcs and worse. Redhand’s capital is at Alhaster, but Zeech must report to the clerics of Iuz at Balmund, which he hates. Deadly conflicts between “Reyhu” orcs in the north and Redhand humans in the south are becoming common.


Even more insulting, the Prince of Redhand was forced to answer to The Black Quartet, four medial level priests stationed at the garrison in Balmund who do little more than squabble for the scraps of power amongst themselves. The garrison is poorly organized and has little or no communication with Riftcrag. Even the local baroness and her soldiers have little but contempt for the Quartet, and act largely independently of them.


With the invocation of the Crook of Rao, many expected Prince Zeech to throw off the shackles of Iuz. Perhaps he would have were it not for Iuz’s garrison at Trallant. Ruled by the cambion Marionnen and his lieutenant, Schzenk Valurya, a former member of Iuz’s elite Legion of Black Death, Trallant is the polar opposite of Balmund. Its rulers have forged it into an impenetrable fortress, and perhaps the most defensible post in the southern Bandit Lands. Marionnen’s army includes many skilled veterans as well as several companies of elite hobgoblin troops. Even a few noble Shield Landers, fallen under the cambion’s spell, serve him in his cavalry.


Now that most of the Old One’s demonic officers are gone from the land, many believe Zeech and his men are set for a rebellion. Word of this surely has reached Dorakaa, and all eyes watch the debased prince with grotesque curiosity, guessing at his fate should he defy Iuz. Zeech would get no help elsewhere, as he is greatly hated in Urnst and Furyondy.


Alhaster, the capital of Redhand, is no different from other Shield Land towns. With its grand promenades and white washed monuments, one might forget they were not in Admundfort before the wars. It is a cosmopolitan place that flirts with grandness. Temples to Hextor have been razed by Iuz’s forces, and worship to the war god outlawed like elsewhere. Still the city constabulary turns a blind eye to much of it, unless an example must be made to appease the Old One’s minions. Pockets of worship to many gods may be found here, even a small cult to Heironeous that thwarts the city governors’ best efforts to extinguish it. Slavery is common, particularly among the nobility. Many slaves are imported from the markets in Stoink. Humanoids, and non-humans in general, are met with a certain contempt in Alhaster. Here they are little more than second class citizens, confined to filthy ghettos and excluded from most prestigious locales. Orcs and goblins are treated as little more than livestock, and worth even less.


Prince Zeech is an effete man of modest stature and devilish appearance. He is comfortable bathed in decadence. He has become increasingly capable as a politician, known for his shrewd manipulation of the Black Quartet and other regional governors. Zeech is an accomplished warrior and priest of Hextor, though his appearance belies those talents. He keeps his hair and beard trimmed short and speaks with a dry, husky voice. His recent marriage to Baroness Alma of Balmund has raised more questions than it answered about his tastes. Few dispute the boldness of the move however, as it has doubled the lands controlled by Redhand.


Redhand is one of the most lawful and organized fiefdoms of the Bandit Kingdoms. It prospers in part because Prince Zeech has steered clear of open warfare with his neighbors, relying instead on treachery, diplomacy and back room deals to keep Redhand safe.


Bandit Kingdoms

Articles under Principality of Redhand


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