Pyremius Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Pyremius (pie-REH-mee-us)

(The Blazing Killer, Demon of Venom, Hideous Assassin), NE lesser god of Fire, Poison, and Murder

Pyremius (pie-REH-mee-us) was once a demigod of poison and murder, but he poisoned Ranet, the Suel goddess of fire, and assumed her portfolio. He is now the patron of assassins, and he carries a longsword called Red Light and a whip called Viper. He is friendly with fiends; jermlaine worship him, as do many nonhuman tribes. He keeps other gods at arm's length, except for Syrul, a fellow patron of the Scarlet Brotherhood. His holy symbol is a demonic face with ears like a bat's wings.

The world will perish in fire. Anything that threatens you must be burned, and those who would keep you from doing this must be killed. The greatest enemy must sleep sometime. Those who fall to such tactics deserve their fate, and those who exploit these weaknesses are the most crafty of all. This doctrine means ranking clerics tend to prey upon each other, and smarter ones sometimes leave a temple to found their own order of the church.

His clerics watch other people for weaknesses or openings in their defenses. They expose themselves to great heat to test their strength, plot against those who hold things they want, build superior forges, and explore exotic locations to find rare plants and other substances from which poisons can be made. Assassins can be hired at their temples; turnover among the clerics is high because of internal feuds,

Domains Destruction, Evil, Fire; Weapons longsword(m), whip(e)

Pyremius' realm is the Black Volcano (Hades)





Bralm avoids deities who have dominion over fire


Geshtai dislikes fiery gods and gods of disease and poison, particularly Pyremius.



Xan Yae


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