Xan Yae Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Xan Yae (zan YAY)

(Lady of Perfection), N lesser goddess of Twi light, Shadows, Stealth, and Mental Power

Xan Yae is one of the rare deities of the Baklunish who has attained a measure of service across the Flanaess. The goddess is sometimes known as "The Perfect Mistress" by those who serve her through the pursuit of martial arts. She is the epitome of grace, speed, and perfection with respect to such discipline. Xan Yae appears always in human form, but of either sex and of any age. In any guise, she is slender and graceful, but only in her true form is she recognizable as the Lady of Perfection. Xan Yae usually is dressed in cloth of dove gray, dusty rose, or golden orange, regardless of her guise.

While the deity has been known to use all weapons associated with monks, she prefers to wield her pair of magical falchions. These matched blades are no larger than table knives until Xan Yae wills them to grow. They then spring to full sized falchions, each about 3 feet long. Xan Yae employs one in each hand. The magical properties of these weapons change during combat, so that her right side is more powerful in the beginning but the balance gradually shifts to her left side. Xan Yae also can attack as the "Supreme Mistress of Petals," with her open hands.

In addition to all other abilities, Xan Yae is a powerful psionic. Non-magical hostile environments do not harm Xan Yae. This includes airlessness, cold, heat, etc. She can travel to any of the Inner Planes, and on the Astral Plane as well, but to go to the Outer Planes, she must use her psionic power.

Those individuals who seek mastery of their mind and body, as well as those who favor twilight, are prone to serve Xan Yae. thus, her followers include monks, thieves, and less savory sorts, as well as young lovers and those of cautious nature.

Clerics of the goddess wear cloaks of gray over sunset-hued robes. Places of worship of Xan Yae are typically in secluded settings. Those found in urban centers will be large, but constructed so as to be unnoticeable as a monastery, temple, or whatever.

Services include dance-like exercises, meditation, reading, chanting, and prayer. The light always is shadowy and dim, and breezes tinkle chimes and bells so as to provide background "music."

Xan Yae (zan YAY) is a Baklunish goddess with some measure of popularity in the Flanaess. She has temples scattered in hidden places across the land. Having little patience for petty divine rivalries, she has only a few like-minded allies but places herself in opposition to Pyremius and Pholtus, whose lights destroy her beloved shadows. She appears to be Bak lunish, of any age or sex but always slender and graceful, wielding a pair of magic falchions that can shrink to the size of table knives.

Reality depends upon three metaphysical ideals: the Universal Mind (the universe and all things in it exist because the mind created them and maintain them), the Perpetual Harmony (life is balanced, symmetry is in all things, achieving a similar state puts one in harmony with nature), and Internal Peace (martial and mental activities must be mastered to attain a higher level of existence). Flamboyance and wasted energy have no place in the Lady's realm. The extremes of evil and good must be sought out and tempered with harmony to maintain balance.

Xan Yae's clerics are agents of harmony and disci pline. They seek out radical factions, alignments, and politics and bend them toward balance. They train others in the simple arts of war, hone the minds of those open to mental challenges, scour the world to find evidence of the Universal Mind, and seek gurus of advanced physical and mental abilities for knowledge of self-elevation. They are not passive beings, but actively seek change to ensure the stability of the universe. Their prayer time is at dusk.

Domains Knowledge, Trickery, War; Weapons falchion(m), monk weapons

Religious, Other

Xan Yae was once served by Zuoken

Xan Yae


Enemy and Ally


Xan Yae


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