Shoarir Traft

Night Hags were once creatures of the mortal world. However, their insatiable hunger to inflict pain and spread evil for its own sake saw them banished to Hades where their sadistic nature flourished and grew to new levels of degeneracy. Sadly, the eff ort to rid the world of great evil only created a far more powerful creature whose every thought was bent upon returning to exact revenge. A Night Hag named Shoarir was the first to find her way back. Drunk with her own rage, Shoarir committed acts of evil and depravity so heinous that she became a paragon for all Night Hags to follow. For centuries, she plagued good folk, turning love into hate, joy into sorrow, and nightmares into reality.

Souls beyond count were led down a path of destruction, yet Shoarir hungered for more. So much so that her ambition had grown far beyond anything she could hope to achieve by herself. Th is realization became the seed for an evil that would surpass even Shoarir’s haughty expectations. From this seed grew the Gray Coven.

Over time, many Night Hags would join the coven, spreading their influence across the Material Plane. In that time, Shoarir adopted the role of matron, preferring to sit back and watch the fruits of evil flourish. Eventually, Shoarir returned to Hades but she still watches and advises through her greatest gift , The Tree of Decay.

Creating the Tree of Decay was Shoarir’s last act of pure evil on the Material Plane. The ritual that created the Tree tore from Shoarir a piece of her essence but forged a place of great power where the Night Hags could enhance their influence. Spawning the Tree changed Shoarir, fracturing her nature, placing one foot in the world of fiends and the other in the realm of undeath. In this way, she assumed the mantle of Hag Lich and returned to Hades to brood over the coven that she had created.


The Grey Coven was created by Shoarir


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