The Qayah-Bureis Islands

The Qayah-Bureis isles are the largest of the three major chains, lying directly north of western-central Zeif. It is home to many isles and some major settlements like Bureis and Yif Qayah.

Locations and Settlements of the Qayah-Bureis Islands

Arzera A Town in the Qayah-Bureis Islands 

Bureis, Bazaar of A city in the Qayah-Bureis isles.

Bidah (off map)

Gafoy (off map)

Yif Qayah, Port of A city in the Qayah­Bureis Isles; once owned by Zeif, yielded to Komal after Battle Beneath the Waves.


It has been colonized since the early days of Zeif, and has changed hands several times. Today, Zeif has lost its hold on the islands, though is desires the return of the territory. Komal was the last to take the northern regions, but the majority of the isles are disputed territory.

When Zeif began expanding its influence, the infantry got their first real chance to act. While the cavalry initially did most of the spearheading for Zeif's imperial moves, The infantry were charged with securing acquired territory. Many were shipped to the island chain of Qayah­Bureis as well as Zeif's former Khedivate in Mur, not to mention Tusmit and Ket, where they established order and quelled instability common with new colonies. It was during this imperial age that the infantry was at its biggest and strongest. However, as Zeifan hegemony diminished again, the infantry got cut when it came to funding.

In 2811 BH (152 CY), Beroz became Sultan. Shortly afterwards, Beroz took several ships and sailed throughout the many islands in the central Dramidj Ocean, focusing particularly on the Qayah­Bureis chain. Zeif traders had frequented the Qayah­Bureis islands in the past but no real effort had been made to explore or colonize them. Seeing an opportunity, Beroz declared Zeif’s intention to claim and colonize the Qayah­Bureis islands. For nearly two years, Beroz and his ships sailed throughout the area, mapping and laying claim to some of the more promising locations.

However, the Sultan’s actions were not welcome by many of those that inhabited the region. The Komali people in particular actively opposed the Sultan and the idea of Zeif occupation. They claimed the islands were rightfully theirs and fought to drive out the Sultan and his men.

In 2813 BH (154 CY), Beroz returned to Zeir­i­Zeif and made his claims to the Qayah­Bureis islands official. He sent ships to some of the larger islands and began establishing Zeif run ports as well as small naval outposts to help enforce his claims. The largest of these ports was Yif Qayah, a frequently used port that Zeif seized and upgraded to handle larger ships. Yif Qayah would now act as home for many Zeif colonists and as the central hub for Zeif shipping throughout the islands.

Still the people of the islands, led by the Komali, fought the Zeif occupation. It was only after several overwhelming defeats at the hands of the Zeif navy that the Komali people were forced to release their claims to several of the islands in the Qayah­Bureis chain.

With the Komali threat neutralized, Zeifan interests in the Qayah­Bureis islands prospered. The Qayah­Bureis islands belonged to Zeif for over two hundred years before the Komali people returned to take back their lands. With the crushing defeat of the Zeif navy in the Battle Beneath the Waves in 3095 BH (436 CY), the Komali took control of the port of Yif Qayah and several of the surrounding islands. Many of the other island inhabitants rejected Zeif sovereignty and also retook their land. Zeif could no longer control the Qayah­Bureis islands, and they have remained outside of Zeif control since that time.


Jake Robins. The Player’s Guide To Zeif v2.0 (3256 BH | 597 CY) 2006.


Geography of Zeif

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