The Ataphad Islands

Proper Name: Caliphate of Eternal Darkness

Island Pennant: Blue, Purple, Green Tricolor; Broken Oar

Ruler: Caliph of Darkness; Dasr Rulah (Male Clr13 (Infernal Cultist AL NE (LE))

Government: Cultist Totalitarianism (Coalition of City-States)

Rulership: Medium (Khargeg Very Low (Elsewhere)

Capital: Khargeg (pop. Unknown)

Major Towns: Dhara (pop. Unknown), Ruins of Khavak (pop. Varies), Corvee Camps (pop. Broken Ones fishing villages

Coinage: Various and barter

Population: 26,000 (Human 63% (Bf ), Orc 16%, Broken Ones 9%, Half-Orc 7%, Other 5%)

Languages: Ancient Flannae (cultists), Baklunish and sahaugin

Alignments: NE* LE, CE, CN

Religions: Xan Yae, Mouqol (Heretical Sect), Nerull, Sekolah, Diabolical Cults (Yugoloth Contracts)

Resources: Fishing, Piracy and Stone (Elemental Ruptures)

Cost Multiplier: 50% (Whenever Available)

Allies: Infernal Contracts, and Sahaugin Natatorial Principality

Enemies: Ekbir, Komal, Zeif, Qayah-Bureis Isles, Janasibs

Corsairs: Dromond, Quinquireme Great Galley, Trireme Merchant Galley, Coastal Coracle (fishing boats)

Magical Items: Earthen Elemental Node (Corrupted)


Come to the Ataphads, sadists sail beneath the broken black oar. Sahaugin, ensure navies, seldom pursue these vicious corsairs.


Caliphate of Eternal Darkness, is the delusion of the infernal cultists of Kazurka, retain dreams of continental conquest. In truth; a coalition of city-states, Khargeg, Dhara, and the Ruins of Khavak, claim tribute from the island fishing villages.


Tricolor pennant: emphasizes the three factions; corsairs, cultists and necromancers. Its corsairs are formidable, while the militias, serve as little more than a city watch.


Farid Erol; rallied these corsairs, to assail the Caliphate of Ekbir. Murenshi Island; was overwhelmed, Defeat of Dezbat, sent them back to the barren rocks. Murensht Island, liberated and Atios Island, was cleansed of the corsair scum, henceforth known as the Isle of Blood.


Dark renaissance; Karzaphon, an infernal cultist, corrupted an earthen node. Khargeg, Isle of Darkness, shelters the cruelest of the corsairs. Infernal acolytes, brandish wicked hooks, as they stroll the cobblestone boulevards, to ensure civil compliance.


Yet, its most chilling innovation remains the Bazaar of Worlds. Therein, emissaries of Gehenna, conduct nefarious negotiations with a myriad of cultists. Rumors persist of elaborate infernal contracts with the Yugoloth.


Dhara, Isle of Death, is shrouded in mystery. Saltworks, looms over the island. Its necromancers, enthrall the morose citizens, promising to intervene with Nerull, at the moment of death.


Ruins of Khavak, Isle of Blood. This rocky outcrop, still bears the scorched scars of righteous retribution. Nevertheless; the mainland merchants, embark for the illicit seasonal contraband bazaars. Its Worthy Elder, proposes tentative trade overtures to the continent…


Locations and Settlements within the Ataphad Islands


Corvee Camps: Its central islands; manifest elemental ruptures, transient camps, thus the corsairs obtain construction materials. Khargeg; receives the lion’s share, as it subsidizes the slingers, whom torment the broken ones. Recently; less stone is sacrificed to the sahaugin, causing tension between these erstwhile allies.

Dhara: Open large town; population unknown. Atios Island (Isle of Blood) famed for its successful assault on Murenshi Island. Ekbiri, retaliatory raids, razed its crowded shanties. Thrives as a seasonal contraband bazaar, corsairs sell captives and cargoes to continental buyers.

Isle of Darkness infernal cultists, have corrupted an earthen node, enables a sheltered harbor. Countless slaves have perished to cobble its boulevards, more expire to raise its envisaged walls.

Isle of Death inhabitants revere Nerull, necromancers animate undead rowers. Thus; its massive saltworks, contain numerous skeletons and zombies, that can be released to swarm invaders.

Khargeg: Fortified small city; population unknown.

Ruins of Khavak: Island Ruins.

History: Settled by Flannae exiles, content to hide. Infamous corsair, Farid Erol, then claimed them. Under his leadership; corsairs terrorized the sea lanes, even invaded the mainland.


Cultist Karzaphon, corrupted an earthen elemental node to sustain a sheltered anchorage, Khargeg. Unfortunately; this elemental corruption, causes random ruptures. Enraged; Dao and Earth Elementals, seek to seize the blemished node.


Carousing and gambling, are commonplace entertainments. For these sadistic scum; torture parlous and perverse spectacles, remain popular. Necromancers; whom revere the Reaper, animate skeletons and zombies, to serve as tireless rowers.


A heretical interpretation of Mouqol, gains corsair converts as its Worthy Elder, Knygath Zhaum, promotes piratical pursuits, as a means to redistribute continental wealth.


Beyond the Capital

Whereas, the cultists’ negotiate with the Yugoloth, the southern corsairs crave continental recognition, while the necromancers are content in seclusion. Meanwhile; Broken Ones; condemned to the corvees, transient labor camps, roam the central islands.


Crag. Beyond the Flanaess: Gulf of Ghayar Gazetteer, 2023


Geography of Zeif

Bakhoury Coast

Articles under The Ataphad Islands


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