Xerbo Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


(The Sea Dragon), N lesser god of the Sea, Sailing, Money, and Business Xerbo (ZER-boh) is a stern and indifferent god. He is, shown as a large man with matted kelplike hair, wearing dragon turtle armor and shield. His trident, Murky Deep, enchants and grants him dominion over all ocean life and can enchant his opponents. Xerbo is also a mercantile god, where his stern demeanor represents the drive for a hard bargain. Most revere him as a merchant's god and placate him as a sea god. He avoids other gods except his estranged wife Osprem, battles Procan regularly, and sulks whenever Zilchus encroaches on his followers. His symbol is a dragon turtle. The law of the sea states that no sea creature should be favored over another. Land creatures, including intelligent ones, have no place in the water; it is a place to be feared and respected, not exploited. Land creatures in danger on the sea deserve no help unless they act to protect sea creatures or the sea itself. Do not let one's emotions get in the way of making trade; no person should be favored over another. This last thought makes him popular with smaller merchants and disliked by unions and guilds. Xerbo's clerics are expected to protect the sea and sea life. They watch over merchant vessels on trade routes or facilitate business meetings in port cities. The god does not tolerate extended forays on land, especially for foolish pursuits such as exploring ruins and dungeons. Domains Animal, Knowledge, Water; Weapons trident(m) (treat as longspear), sailor weapons, aquatic creature weapons
Xerbo's realm is the Plane of water



Husband and Wife


Rivalry with Zilchus

Xerbo is said to sulk whenever Zilchus encroaches on his followers, but they are not said to be enemies.


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