Osprem Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Osprem (AH-sprem)

LN lesser goddess of Sea Voyages, Ships, and Sailors

Osprem (AH-sprem) is a generally benign goddess, revered by the Suel people as the protector of those who travel on the water. She is more compassionate than her occasional companion Xerbo, yet she is not averse to punishing those who offend her or disobey her laws. She is shown as a beautiful gowned woman, a dolphin, a barracuda, or a sperm whale; the latter two are interchangeably used as her holy symbol. She wears no armor hut is protected by a ring carved from a whale's tooth, given to her by the grandfather of all whales.

The seas provide a bounty of food and a means of travel; protect the sea as you would your own home, or face Osprem's wrath. She protects those who sail and their vessels as long as they respect her and abide by her laws. She guides vessels through dangerous waters and is the patron goddess of naval explorers. Those who defy her laws are punished by storms of ice, and it is said entire towns were wiped out because of serious transgressions against her.

Her clerics are skilled navigators and often become the spiritual leaders of communities that rely on the sea for survival. Many gain political power for themselves based on the need for their abilities. Clerics not tied to one place might travel a great deal by ship; though they feel awkward away from the ocean, they are comfortable enough near lakes or rivers to venture inland.

Domains Law, Protection, Travel, Water, Weapons trident(m) (treat as a longspear), sailor weapons

Osprem's realm is Whirlcurrents (Plane of Water)


Wee Jas

Husband and Wife






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