Olidammarra Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Olidammarra (oh-lih-dam-MAH-rah)

Intermediate Powers

(The Laughing Rogue), CN intermediate god of Music, Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, and Tricks

Olidammara, the Laughing Rogue, minstrel and miscreant, is the favorite deity of many thieves. Worshippers include bards, jesters, vagabonds, beggars and common folk as well. He wanders the Prime Material Plane in many guises, stealing from the rich, haughty, or evil. Olidammara gives wealth to those without means — often distributing his pilfered gains through high revels. His favorite haunts are city slums or their exact opposite, rural glens and woodlands.

Although he always appears young, Olidammara will sometimes disguise himself as a tinker or peddler, sometimes as a foppish wastrel, frequently as a fledgling sell-sword. He can alter his appearance to suite the situation at hand. His actual appearance is said to be as follows: middling height, slender build, chestnut hair and beard worn rakishly, complexion with an olive tint, merry eyes of sparkling emerald, much given to laughter and petty tricks. Olidammara wears green and gold as his favorite colors.

Although he wears only a leather vest and high

leather buskins, Olidammara has excellent protection due to the enchantments upon these garments and a special ring he possesses.

Olidammara also possesses a musical stringed instrument of great power. This device, the Kanteel of the Oldest, is usable only by bards of great experience or by certain other deities. The Kanteel enables its possessor to:

— charm creatures or persons

— create a cloud of fog

— dispel illusions

— project his emotions

— create non-living items

— create programmed illusions

— seek supernatural guidance through visions

Olidammara also possesses a mask which allows him to completely change his physical appearance for as long and as often as he wishes. The mask is not discernible when it is worn.

When Olidammara was once trapped by Zagyg, the Mad Archmage forced him into a carapaced animal shape as punishment for attempting to steal Zagyg's trove. Even though Olidammara escaped this fate, he retains the ability to create a horny shell on his back. Beneath this cover, the "Laughing Rogue" can use his spells to escape, leaving the shell to cover his getaway. (It is said that he returned to loot Zagyg's treasury, employing the magical carapace to frustrate the Mad Archmage's capture.) The discarded carapace remains as a hemispherical shell, about 2 feet wide and 3 feet long. It welds itself to stone and must be smashed or otherwise destroyed to be removed or passed.

There are few chapels dedicatad to Olidammara. They always are located in large towns or cities. Shrines are not uncommon in urban centers and rural areas. There are supposedly two rustic hostels located in the central Flanaess area — one in the Wild Coast, another in the Kron Hills region.

Clerics of Olidammara are not uncommon at either. Clerics of this deity are trained to have the thiefly ability of hiding in shadows. They are taught musical skills, and many have the ability to magically alter their physical appearance, stature, etc. They dress in garments of brown, green, green and brown, and green and black. Services include much singing, chanting, feasting, and libations of fermented berry beverage.

Olidammara (oh-lih-dam-MAH-rah) loves upset ting those who are too attached to their boring and controlled worlds. He is shown as a brown-haired man of rakish appearance, olive skin, and merry eyes, although his magic laughing mask (and holy symbol) allows him to change his appearance. Zagyg once forced him into the shape of a small carapaced animal and imprisoned him; the Laughing Rogue still retains the ability to form a protective carapace, and he has used it to thwart many aggressors and pur suers. He is friendly enough with other gods, although the lawful ones resent his capriciousness and tricks.

Treat music as the art it is. Strive to be as skilled at it as your patron. Life is meant to be happy and entertaining, and the best jokes need a target to hang them on; when it is your turn, accept the laugh and appreciate the trick. Wine is one of the joys of life, and the only thing better than making wine is drinking it. Avoid misery, temperance, and solemnity, for they are the greatest poisons to the soul. Olidammara has a faithful following but few easily found churches.

Clerics of Olidammara study music, make wine, tell jokes, and occasionally perform acts of mayhem. Those who live in cities tend to work as entertainers or vintners, while those who prefer rural settings act are storytellers, messengers, and minstrels. Many of them live a life on the run from powerful people whom they greatly offended early in their careers. Others just enjoy traveling in search of new music, exotic wines, and celebrations.

Domains Chaos, Luck, Trickery; Weapons rapier(m), rogue weapons


Olidammara, the Laughing Rogue, is patron Power to many thieves and bards. He is portrayed as a wandering minstrel or vagabond, a slim man with chestnut hair and rakish beard, olive-tinted skin, sparkling emerald eyes, and green and gold clothing. Delighting in wine, women, and song, Olidammara is the eternal prankster and chaotic spirit. He is a master of disguise.

Olidammara's cult is steady within the Flanaess; in the darkest times, people must have some form of diversion lest they succumb to despair, and while they may not worship this Power, they are glad enough if one of his priests or clerics is on hand to bring laughter and song. His temples are not commonly found (neither is his priesthood), but services to him are light hearted affairs, including much singing, chanting, music, feasting, and ample consumption of beers, ales, and wines.

Olidammara's Priests

This priesthood contains both urban priests, found mostly in large cities, and wandering minstrel priests. These priests are not popular with lawfully-aligned priests of other Powers because of their general irreverence and fondness for upsetting established order. Olidammara's priests are required to sing or play a musical instrument.

Requirements: AB Dex 13 or Cha 13; AL CN; WP as thieves; RA robes of green, brown, green and brown, or green and black; SP Cha os*, Charm, Creation, Divination*, Healing, Protection, Travelers*; SPL none; PW 1) hide in shadows as thief, 5%/level; 5) alter self (^2 7) Tasha's hideous uncontrollable laughter (W2 10) confusion; TU nil.

  Link to explanation of Priests abbreviations
Olidammara's realm is the Den of Olidammara (Ysgard)
Religious, Other













Brother and sister but have nothing to do with each other

Tolerated by Zagyg



Astilabor dislikes Oliddamara

Jealous of Oliddamara

Oliddamara avoids these Gods

Oliddamara avoids these Gods

Oliddamara avoids these Gods


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