Zuoken Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Zuoken (zoo-OH-ken)

(Master of Da'Shon and Edel, Servant of the Lady), N demigod of Physical and Mental Mastery

Zuoken (zoo-OH-ken) is an ascended martial artist in the service of Xan Yae. He was a Baklunish man of unremarkable appearance, but had achieved the highest level of skill in edel ("gift of fate," psionics), and da'shon ("falling hail," a complicated form of unarmed combat practiced by one of Xan Yae's sects). His symbol is a striking fist. In 505 CY, he stopped manifesting to his faithful; investigation has revealed that his essence is held somewhere in the central Flanaess; his followers continue to seek the exact place so that he may be freed.

To learn da'shon is to be on the path to perfection, for the use of weapons is a hindrance to the ability of mankind to attain the goal; once the goal is reached, one can use such things without fear of losing sight of perfection. One must strive to achieve the pinnacle of physical and mental ability. One must pursue harmony to achieve perfection, so every issue must be considered from both sides so that a balance may be struck between the two, allowing a harmonious resolution.

Zuoken's clerics teach da'shon and the way of Zuoken and Xan Yae. They wander the land to accelerate their physical and mental advancement, undergo many tests of hardship within and outside their temples in the pursuit of perfection, search for their god's prison, and attack monks of the Scarlet Brotherhood when encountered. As aging and infirmity are concerns for those who perfect their bodies, they care for the elderly to acclimatize themselves with its changes. Although Zuoken is confined in some way, his clerics receive their spells normally.

Domains Knowledge, Strength, War; Weapons fist of Zodal (unarmed strike), monk weapons

Zuoken's realm is the Prime Material Plane (Oerth)



Xan Yae was once served by Zuoken

Xan Yae

Zuoken was imprisoned by Zagyg



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