The Blackspire Building / Landmark in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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The Blackspire

Just east of Castle Overwatch looms a towering ediface of slick black marble veined with jagged tines of yellow-gold. The Blackspire stands sharp and ominous on a precarious spar of rock overlooking the vast expanse of the Azure sea. The shear cliff falls away sharply into a frothing tulmult and the cacophonous thunder of crashing waves. Above the Blackspire, boiling clouds churn constantly. The vibrant glow of blue-white lightning from the near-constant electrical storm on the tower's roof throws flickering shadows against this tenebrous canvas.   Everything about the Blackspire evokes a sense of mystery and awe. Its master is known to be strange and fickle, its inhabitants a collection of outcasts and oddities. It is also said that a ghost walks the ramparts, even more vigilant in death than it was in life.   For all the misgivings and mystery it evokes, the Blackspire is also a source of wonderous products. Mistress Pinna, originally the local hedge-wizardress of Gravesford and well-loved by the nearby populace, runs The Elixirium located within its walls. This herbalist's shop produces the finest potions, tinctures, tonics, and exotics teas for hundreds of miles. The resident alchemist, Broc Foehammer, is also a master brewer who produces the most unique alcoholic beverages in this part of the world. "Broc's Blood Whiskey" is said to be so potent that one will become inebriated just by ordering it.


Perched as it is upon a high outcrop overlooking the tumultuous sea 100 feet below, the Blackspire is highly defensible and requires little in the way of troops manning its thick black marble walls. Its primary defensive force is the aerial unit known as the Stormwatch Brigade. This unit, led by Captain Kjelest Griefsworn, is comprised of specially trained troops mounted on griffons, hippogriffs, giant eagles, and even one wyvern.   The entrance to the aerie is built into the cliff overlooking the sea, in the subterranean levels of the tower. This lower level, which also houses the Stormwatch barracks, is only accessible by flight, or from within the Blackspire itself.
Alternative Names
Stormborn's Sanctum, Aerie of the Tempest. Thunderclast
Tower, Mage
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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