Lingonberry Crossing Settlement in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Lingonberry Crossing

Located east of Burle is a small farming village of the low moors that is able to thrive in the middle of nowhere thanks to its bountiful millet fields and berry crops, both of which do quite well in the marshy stretches of land north of the Eblis Run. The sweet, dark blue lingonberries in particular are popular with the city folk. Consisting of some 120 or so folk in the middle of nowhere, the “Crossing” part of the village name is something of an inside joke since the only paths that lead in and out of town are more like animal trails and streamlets. The main transportation methods for the Crossing are via small, flat barges and canoes, which they use to ferry extra crops to Riverford, and from there to Saltmarsh or Burle.


A terrible series of suspicious circumstances have recently devastated the normally hearty crops. In their desperation for magical assistance the village reached out to both Burle and the Moor King. The messengers to Burle never returned, having fallen victim to the undead presense that is now known to have been poisoning the land: a bodak. With the slaying of the bodak and its shadowy minions by the Red Badges, the blackened, rotting fields became once more safe to traverse.   It has been rumored that the bodak was summoned by a powerful hag whose silhouette was spotted in the fields after midnight, but noone really knows for sure.
Alternative Name(s)
The Crossing
Owning Organization


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