Pack Lord Varulven Character in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Pack Lord Varulven

Pack Lord Varulven (a.k.a. Prince of the Ravening, the Green Knight)

Varulven is an elven alpha-werewolf Warlock of the Archfey known as the Erlking, Master of the Wild Hunt. Formerly known as Sir Varulven the Green Knight, Varulven now instead claims the title of Pack Lord. At four and a half centuries old, once the favored son of the elven nations, Varulven is now an outlaw and an enemy whose savage heart knows no mercy for those who have wronged him. His currently location is unknown and cannot be detected by magical means; he has long since found ways to protect himself and those close to him from scrying and divination.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Several hundred years ago, Varulven was once a member of the elven nobility in the Dreadwood and one of their most heroic knights. For reasons long forgotten, or intentionally buried in history, he revolted against the elven ruling aristocracy and began a guerrilla war to destroy their ruling council.   Two centuries ago, Varulven aligned himself with the Coven of Midnight in an effort to transform the Salinmoor into a dark reflection of itself, a realm more suited to his goals. Much time has passed since the Coven was defeated and broken up, but Varulven's memory is long and his hatred simmered in the passing years.   More recently, Varulven was driven out of the Dreadwood two months prior to the most recent Celebration of Life by a massive coalition of elves and fey bent on destroying the Pack Lord's growing power. He now seeks to reestablish the Coven and again create an alliance to sunder his enemies.   When the Red Badges stopped his plan to free Gammle Heks the Child Butcher (Green Hag) Varulven fled back to the Dreadwood with a small contingent of dark fey and lycanthropes. Slowly but surely his army continues to swell as those throughout the Salinmoor who have been turned by curse of lycanthropy make their way to his dark banner in the Dreadwood. The terror and paranoia Varulven has sown ensures that the combined forces of the Salinmoor cannot band together against him as he once again renews his war with the noble houses of the Dreadwood.
450 (estimated)
The Dread Wood
Current Residence
Unknown, believed to be the Dread Wood
Raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
153 lbs.


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