Session 09: Finding Private Jhoren Report Report in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Session 09: Finding Private Jhoren Report

General Summary

Jhoren returned...kind of. He reappeared after the battle of the kelpies. Old, with a long white beard, hunched over, and speaking with an erudite manner. What? He explained that Jhoren hijacked his body and now he is back in control, Vahakn. He offers to help the party on their mission, then see where fate takes them. For lack of a better plan, the remaining LoO agreed. Sir WD and Cpt Spile remained untrusting, but Sir Piper kind of likes this guy and soon forgets about Jhoren.   They move on to a fun room, with a psychedelic spinning cylinder of black and white spirals. The chickens send in the earth elemental and laugh while they watch him tumble around the cylinder. It makes it through, and Rowdy goes next. A trap sprung with bead of fire shooting out of an illusory wall sets the unseen oil, and Rowdy, afire. The night shift mall guards, an undead gnoll and undead spell caster, hit the party hard, and with a fireball to add insult to injury. To everyone's surprise, Rowdy never learned the phrase "stop, drop, and roll", so he continues fighting while remaining aflame. In less than 30 seconds the melee is over. Cpt. Spile, however, was both unlucky and lucky at the same time. One of his spells resulted in a wild surge that caused 3 mirror images of himself to appear as he simultaneously realized he had lost control over his pet rock. He transforms into Scorpion Spile to put the smack down on the undead spell caster but in a fortunate twist of fate, the mirror images remain as Cpt. Spile. When "Frank the elemental" has completed pulverizing the undead gnoll, it turns to face the 3 Mirror Spiles and ignores the scorpion. Before it can destroy all 3 Mirror Spiles, the spell runs out and it vanishes back to its elemental plane.   They next find a giant crab sitting on a pile of treasure in the middle of a huge cavern filled with suspended walls of water. The LoO didn't realize they bought tickets to an aquarium. Being the devils they are, they kill the giant crab, ruining the exhibit and taking all its booty. Sir Piper however, finds a one-of-a-kind artifact, a trident named Wave. Vahakn offers to identify the loot in case anything is cursed, but Rowdy declines. Soon Rowdy begins humming sea shanties to himself and is occasionally heard talking to someone else, even though nobody other than the party are around. Has he finally lost his last few points of intelligence?   Moving on, they traverse a tricky disc bridge hanging over boiling mud. They burglar the demesne of a pacifist vampire, burn his bed/coffin, and then loot his stuff. In a twist of karma, they realized they destroyed a potion and 3 scrolls! Shame on Cpt Spile for playing with fire...again. A gem, however, was found in the ashes; not an actual gem, but fine dwarven war hammer of epic potency. Vahakn observes that it can only be wielded by a dwarf. WD begins contemplating how he might look as a sexy dwarf paladin.

Rewards Granted

Wave and an epic warhammer.
The Salinmoor
Sir Wolf-Deitrich von Axewood
92 / 92 HP
Jhoren al'Hadad
Captain Spile
Variant Human (City Watch)
Druid 9
Monk 1
73 / 73 HP
Wesley Rupert Pipper
Report Date
21 Feb 2021


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