Session 11 Report Report in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Session 11 Report

General Summary

Sir Dietrich's loud challenge to Lord Soth carries far on the cold air. The sun peaks over a squat mountain from the east through soft drifting snow, and sets the sky aglow in bluish amber. The LoO are startled to hear a cry of pain from some large beast to the east. Scanning  down the 300 ft mountain they see 3 large winged shapes in the sky about 600 yards away. Two of them are tearing at a third. They make out the crimson reflection off the scales of two of them. The third returns a silvery metallic sheen.   Sir Dietrich immediately yells out to the silver wyrm that aid is coming swiftly.  Off he goes on his trusted ally, Bruin, to clash into battle with a mighty red dragon.  Meanwhile Vahakn slowly morphs back into Jhoren and Spile and Piper explain to him what happened, where they are, and that they must join Sir Dietrich into combat against two red dragons but Cpt Spile hears the crunching of footsteps off to their left.  Five cloaked figures approach, two linger in the back while the other three brandish their iron weapons and approach like veteran predators.  They are immediately recognized as agents of the Culling.  The female leader issues a challenge to Jhoren, who jests that "ok I will come peacefully".  Mighty arcane spells are flung back and forth in the ensuing warfare between the Culling masters of sorcery and Jhoren.  Meanwhile the fighters smash into Cpt Spile and Sir Piper.  Spile calls up a wall of flame and morphs into Scorpion Spile. Thirty seconds later, the conflict comes to an end to the odor of crackling flesh in a wall of arcane fire.   The magnificent silver dragon and Sir Dietrich skirmish with the Reds.  Dietrich lands a devastating blow on the male red, imbued with the radiance of Thrasymicus, and drives it to a hasty retreat.  The silver and remaining red spiral into the ground in a death grip.  When the explosion of snow settles, the silver is poised atop the red issuing it a command in ancient draconic.  The silver eventually lets it up, the red replies, bows its head in submission and then retreats into the sky after the other red.  The silver, "D" explains to Deitrich that a dragon should never be killed, that all dragon kind are extraordinary, and their lives are sacred.  She relays that the red owes her its life blood, as she does to him for coming to her aid.  She proclaims that he will be her "human" for the next 12 cycles of Celene.  He introduces himself and after he gives her his name she gently chastises him "names have power, don't give them away for nothing human, names are to be earned."  She says he may call her "D".  She takes in his scent, asks where his demesne lies and tells him she will find him but must go to her home to prepare for the journey.  The LoO learned from "D" that they are south east of the Land of Iuz.  They begin heading in the direction of Keoland. Hours later archmage Tesla contacts Jhoren, learns of their failed mission, teleports to them and opens a portal back to Niole-Dra to the Basilica of St Cuthbert.
The Salinmoor
Sir Wolf-Deitrich von Axewood
92 / 92 HP
Jhoren al'Hadad
Captain Spile
Variant Human (City Watch)
Druid 9
Monk 1
73 / 73 HP
Wesley Rupert Pipper
Report Date
15 May 2021


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