Session 13: Boots full of sand Report Report in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Session 13: Boots full of sand Report

General Summary

Four heros and the archangel Thrasymicus the Dawnbringer enter through the portal into the Bright Desert.  They find their target far ahead in the desert and begin to walk, and walk and walk.  Yet get no closer.  Magic? They learned the Bright Desert was cursed by Tharzadun and his Scorpion Crown.  A gift given to one of his most prized followers, tricked, the wizard thought we was given a tool to rule the Bright Lands, but in a cruel turn, was cursed and unwittingly destroyed the Bright Lands and ruined it to a desert. He and all the humans and demihumans were cursed to become half men, half scorpion.  Thrasymicus shares the story after he watches Spile transform into a half man-scorpion.  Spile was shocked by the knowledge and eventually shifts back to his human form feeling creeped out.   A sudden quake of the ground a moment later and a monumental pile of sand animates before them, revealing gargantuan bleached bones of a long dead reptile in the sand beneath.  The sand forms up into a 30 ft monstrous golem.  The party makes minced meat out of the golem in less than a minute, only sustaining mild injuries, and Spile feeling butt hurt after missing most of the action.   After all, he was tossed like a little doll a hundred feet or so by Sand Man.   Moving onwards, they finally make headway once the sun sets.  WD growing tired of trudging through the warm desert sand, prepares to summon his celestial steed.  Maya interrupts, calls him a wus, then transforms into her true form, a silver dragon.  She did comment when she first met WD that "you would like to ride me wouldn't you?" in her hot elven form.  She promised not to drop him and takes him for a training flight.  Seems she kept her word, not a dent on WD's armor when they return.    Another hour or so of travel and they find the ruined hideout of the Demogoron cultists.  Given guidance by druid Spile, they sneak up to the closest heavily armored sentries..until WD calls out a challenge and charges in sword a swinging!  So much for the close approach!  A rough and tough rumble of the century ensues.  Rowdy and Spile tag teamed and held no cheap shots.  The old hold em and burn em attack, but this time replace fire with a whirlwind of rocks and sand pummeling the "Black Guard".  They didn't stand a chance.  WD and Maya tagged up together and laid into the other two Black Guard.  Thrasymicus held to the sky withholding judgement on the mortals, yet he couldn't help but to blind one of the Black Guard after seeing its sins. Woe to ye who sinneth in fronteth of the archangel of Correlon.  He also laid waist to 2 demons before showing his disapproval to the cultist mortal.  One of the Black Guard tried to flee, was nearly successful to.  In its last seconds of life, Maya jumped down the stairs to block its exit and introduced her axe into its skull.  WD and Maya stand on the stairs descending 60 ft to a dimly lit stone landing.  They hold their breaths for a moment and listen...
The Salinmoor
Sir Wolf-Deitrich von Axewood
92 / 92 HP
Jhoren al'Hadad
Captain Spile
Variant Human (City Watch)
Druid 9
Monk 1
73 / 73 HP
Wesley Rupert Pipper
Report Date
29 May 2021


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