Session 14: Descent into the parlor of sin Report Report in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Session 14: Descent into the parlor of sin Report

General Summary

Marching quietly, descending the 100 ft stairway, they set foot upon the unholy chamber. In moments they were assailed by the cultists of Demogorgon. Rowdy was pierced in the head, twice, by a bombardment of crossbow bolts, nearly crippling him. Powerful magic exploded into existence as Spile uttered a word of power and the stone beneath them rose up into a protective wall trapping the cultitsts as they charged from the concealment to joust with the LoO. His magic was curbed by the enemy magic user, and the wall fell in seconds. As the two sides clashed, flesh was torn, the whimpers of the dying were heard and the stone floor drank in the blood of the fallen leaving the metallic scent of life blood hanging in the air.   As the waylay proceeded, Rowdy and Maya were slain to the ground. Thrasymicus shouted to Rowdy, "rise holy brawler of Kord, you shame Aafram", Rowdy's wounds mended and he rose back into the clash. WD wields Victamque with ease and delivers holy vengeance by hacking into the lost souls of the cultist warriors, giving Maya a fighting chance, before she falls, then to the shock of the assasins, arises as her true dragon form. Scorpion Spile was turned against the friends for a moment and drilled into Rowdy, rending at his flesh. Jhoren however, pointed a single finger at the enemy magic user, shouts a word of power, and his flesh turns to dust and falls into a powdery mound.   After the ass kicking was delivered, they free three merchants from their cell, Gildas, Hakon, and Shurik. They are the surviving traders from Allagash. The LoO arrange their transport back to their clan, Maya offers to fly them home. They give the blessings of Fortubo unto the party and warn them to destroy their stolen wares, for they are dealers in weapons, and the cultists have taken them all.   Spile finds the weapon cache and over 45,000 in gold, 27,000 in platinum, plus 100 (50 gp) gems, some statues and a chess set made of marble board and gold pieces, each worth some 7000 gp. They also find 2 potions of supreme healing, 3 scrolls, and an arrow of devil slaying.   They rest for the night. Safety all but ensured by Jhoren, after he lays down wards for the night. Thrasymicus blesses the ground, claiming it for Correlon. Rowdy has a terrible night of sleep, being accosted by Wave, because he hasn't brought him to the water yet. WD has wet dreams of riding Maya, perhaps as an elf...who knows maybe even as a dragon. But that is another story, the story of the first dragonborn of Oerth.   They waken in the morning to the watchful Thrasymicus gazing over them. Some feel comforted, others creeped out by this. After a breakfast of hard tack and berries, WD approaches the altar, reads a passage in the open tome perched upon it and brings Demonwing into view before them. Jhoren gives a coin to the boatman who points for them to board at the sterncastle. Spile shakes a pouch of the same coins that he secretly found last night, wondering what their value could be, that the demon Charron, boatman of the River Styxx, would take it as payment for travel???   The party board the ship, it sets sail, through a layer of the abyss before entering into hell. "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here" was inscribed above a tunnel Demonwing sailed into. Moments later, they emerge into a barren grey land with an orange , smokey sky.  Jhoren notices small sparks of light appearing from nowhere in the sky above, slowly drifting downward into the river Styxx.  A monstrous clawed hand quickly snatches one as it lands upon the river.     Arising from the river, demons rush into the distant horizon.  The ones near the ship shout howls of joy at seeing Demonwing and salute the ship, the flagship of Demogorgon. They then plunge forward into a sea of millions of forms that encompass the entire horizon.  The epic battle between demons and devils, the Blood War.   Welcome to hell.
The Salinmoor
Sir Wolf-Deitrich von Axewood
92 / 92 HP
Jhoren al'Hadad
Captain Spile
Variant Human (City Watch)
Druid 9
Monk 1
73 / 73 HP
Wesley Rupert Pipper
Report Date
12 Jun 2021


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