Session 15: Welcome aboard the Demonwing express! Report Report in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Session 15: Welcome aboard the Demonwing express! Report

General Summary

The LoO began their riverboat tour with a marching band welcome from the Kids of Chaos abyssal parade. All kidding aside, they witnessed the eons-old Bloodwar unfolding before their eyes. Mesmerized for hours at the grandiosity of it all, the party finally went below decks as they approached an acrid, sickly green fog bank. They quickly climbed a ladder below deck, and if things weren't weird enough, they good weirder.   The first cabin they arrived in was large, clean, yet empty of furnishings. Where were they supposed to sleep? Onwards they went. Fearless Rowdy led the investigation and was bum-rushed by a squat ape-like humanoid with rotting flesh and a vicious bite. A second was upon him in moments, but WD hacked downwards upon that ankle biter and ended its miserable existence. Moving forward, they found an amusing site—a cheerleader pyramid of skeletons upholding a rowboat atop the very top. After realizing they had an It's a Small World boat ride ahead of them, they came back and "borrowed" a boat. WD became frustrated at the lack of efficiency in his friends and ripped them a new one. Jhoren had a senior moment again and couldn't remember how they got below decks and where they were going. Spile became wary of Jhoren and secretly hoped Jhoren might drown as he took a plunge below the water. Jhoren being his helpful self, cast water breathing on the party but accidentally gave everyone a set of gills on their necks. " I hadn't seen that before," he said in amused satisfaction.   On their spirited ride downriver, the ride went wrong. Disney was going to hear about this! The boat, nearly overturned, WD was flung overboard into the cold dark water. Spile morphed into a water elemental while jumping overboard to save WD, yet he had two large humanoid arms. That wasn't supposed to happen. He found the source of the near capsizing, a demonic water elemental, and began combat with it.   The employees must have been unhappy because the rest of them began their assault on our heroes. Two flying vulture-like creatures, a large humanoid frog demon, and a 40' long demonic serpent. After slaying a couple of them, the rest fled in fear after seeing Rowdy flex his biceps, and WD started to preach.   Knowing the attackers wouldn't be gone long, I mean, eventually, WD's preaching became dull, and the surviving demons returned. The LoO left the boat ride and went ahead on foot, behind the scenes. There they were met with more disgruntled employees and were ambushed by giant ape-like demons. Here Jhoren shone. He blasted them with a thunderous stomp, sent 2 of them flying into a wall, and a third over a ledge. He quickly followed up with a summoning of a ball of lightning and delivered a "shocking" dissertation on amusement park rides gone awry.  The original surviving assault force joined the fray, and the battle raged onwards. Knowing it couldn't take the group, the enormous serpent-like demon vanished but before it left, it spewed forth a hot geyser that roasted everyone in its path, killing elemental Spile.  When Spile reverted to himself, his left leg was made out of water?  Oh boy, this ride sucks!
The Salinmoor
Sir Wolf-Deitrich von Axewood
92 / 92 HP
Jhoren al'Hadad
Captain Spile
Variant Human (City Watch)
Druid 9
Monk 1
73 / 73 HP
Wesley Rupert Pipper
Report Date
19 Jun 2021


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