Session 18: Thrikill? Huh, I thought you'd be tougher. Report Report in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Session 18: Thrikill? Huh, I thought you'd be tougher. Report

General Summary

The LoO and company finish a long rest and continue exploration beneath Demonwing. They have a massive clash in the Temple of Demogorgon with stingray-like demons, large fly demons, and eventually a 9ft tall, 20 ft long serpent woman with 6 arms weighing in at 2000 lbs! Jhoren makes easy work out of the stingrays with a new shocking web spell and conjures "toilet flush". Bespin Spile smashes in the giant fly demons into the wall. WD does it the old-fashioned way with Victamcue serenading him with Ride of the Valkyries   They make it to the stairs of the temple and a zone of silence is dropped upon them by a sneaky stingray demon. The other stingray spell casters try to dispel the toilet flush but are too weakened as they are pummeled under the water and into the feet of the Demogorgon statue. Eventually one of them succeeds, but alas, it is too late. Jhoren and Bespin Spile finish of the last of them.   The 6 armed bitch demon summons a poisonous cloud onto the battlefield and WD, Maya, Rowdy, and Bespin Spile all get a free session at the steam room spa, gratis. Bespin spile bathes up in the cloud, but WD, Maya, and Rowdy run out of it, coughing out the noxious gas, right into the 9 ft tall, 2000 lb marilith, swinging her Ginsu knives! Thrasymicus is the first to test out the sharp blades, and gives the product a thumbs up! Fortunately, she gates out as WD and Maya begin their dance with her and she is blinded by the glory of the Dawn Bringer. She prepares the Ginsu blades by sharpening them on tin cans, and cutting up tomatoes before she needs her trusty chef's knives again.  
  The party is left standing before 3 human-sized hearts, pumping a black liquid into two giant magical gates. After some deliberation, and cohesion by Thrasymicus, the heroes pick a gate and walk through. They exit into an unbelievable vista. Surrounded by 500' cavern walls and an endless pool of green liquid that lies beyond them, they look unto a canyon of giant ant-like demonic insects. At the far end, 500' or so away, they see two mesas, the further one with a black cactus-shaped tower floating just off the ground.   They take flight before the gnashing mandibles of two-foot-long demon insects climb up to them to give them a proper demon welcoming! They are assaulted by a giant bolt of lightning before some of them see the invisible threat. A massive dragon sitting upon the first mesa. They close quickly before another bolt is set upon them and begin a terrible conflict with that "dragon". It was made up of black energy holding together flesh, bones, horrific serrated teeth, and long needle-like claws. WD and the silver wyrm "Maya" were the first to encounter it and suffer under its devastating breath of fire and acid. Thrasymicus and Rowdy were next to feel its powerful breath after Bespin Spile was crushed to death in those great teeth, and moments later, rescued by Jhoren before it could kill CPT Spile. Again, it bellowed forth the breath of fire and acid. As it reared back its long neck preparing to launch forth its breath a third time, sure to kill several of the party, the silver dragon tore into it, ending its terrifying existence. But, it unleashed its death curse upon most of the party as she tore apart its breath weapon sack and another explosion of fire and acid bathe our heroes. Rowdy falls to one knee, with flesh burnt off his exposed skin, and partially melted away by the acid. He gets up, says "I'm ok" and looks into the aghast face of Maya, WD, and Thrasymicus. Who was going to tell him he looked like Freddy Krueger?
The Salinmoor
Sir Wolf-Deitrich von Axewood
92 / 92 HP
Jhoren al'Hadad
Captain Spile
Variant Human (City Watch)
Druid 9
Monk 1
73 / 73 HP
Wesley Rupert Pipper
Report Date
10 Jul 2021


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