Session 20: What the heck is Demonglass and why does it matter? Report Report in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Session 20: What the heck is Demonglass and why does it matter? Report

General Summary

After freeing the prisoners, the boney-headed demon returned to fight, with two allies, another babau, and a lobster-clawed demon. They teleport in and start shooting, stabbing, and slashing away. Maya takes a heavy hit by the clawed demon, and Rowdy takes a nasty shot by a babau. The succubus was exposed by CPT Spile for her true self, and she cowers by the torture rack as the party destroys the demons. Afterward, Thrasymachus tells the party that he senses Straoth nearby and he stops time so they can heal, and gain new powers (level 14). The Baku which they rescue heals some of the party and tells them they may have his sword of the planes if they find it. He takes the other two humans rescued back to their plane. Meanwhile, Jhoren makes a contract with the bone devil captive, Coxyx, and sets it free to gain its help in finding Demonglass and fighting the demons below deck.   They listen closely to Thrasymachus as he warns "if you fall in battle, I will do my best to protect your soul. But, if I fail, your soul may get trapped in the abyss." He gives them an out to stay behind, but under the direction of Sir WD, they rally to the cause and throw out their challenge to Straoth. As they enter a 3 storied glass chamber, a 20-foot tall Straoth accepts their challenge and says "meet my pets, and come to me if you survive." He unfolds his leathery wings and cracks his metal whip which bursts into flames. His giant two-headed axe, made from the spine of a giant, buzzes with electrical energy. A 10-foot tall two-headed troll, a thessalhydra, and behir advance on the party.   Crab Spile advances on the thessalhydra and quickly gets ripped to shreds. Meanwhile, Rowdy calls on the power of Kord and blesses three of his companions, and Johren slows the beast down for a turn before he throws a storm of wind and lighting upon it, trapping it in the funnel cloud while Spile seals it in a wall of stone. The behir roars a challenge to Maya and the great silver dragon charges into a savage hate-filled rage, ripping into it with her long dagger-like teeth, and clawing at it with her sharp nails. WD hacks into the great beast and the two companions slay the juggernaut. The bone devil charged in enmity at the demonic two-headed troll and ripped it in half after several seconds of melee.   Thrasymachus and the great balor, Stroath, clash together in an epic duel.  Rowdy is the first mortal to take pot shots at it from afar, his javelins true to their aim.  Heavily wounded with burns and puncture wounds from the chain whip, Thrasymachus holds Straoth at bay until the silver wyrm Maya and Sir Wolf-Diethrich come to his aid. She latches onto his back sinking claw and teeth into the great balor. Sir WD calls upon the power of Thraysmachus and strikes a killing blow through the back of Straoth. He exploded in a torrent of fire, burning the three heroes badly. With the explosion settled, golden plate skids across the floor towards the feet of Spile. The Osyluth points and says in common "the key to the tower."
The Salinmoor
Sir Wolf-Deitrich von Axewood
92 / 92 HP
Jhoren al'Hadad
Captain Spile
Variant Human (City Watch)
Druid 9
Monk 1
73 / 73 HP
Wesley Rupert Pipper
Report Date
31 Jul 2021


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