Session 25: The Fall of Coldsteel Report Report in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Session 25: The Fall of Coldsteel Report

General Summary

You feel invigorated after healing and growing with new powers, some from within, and others from your deities.  Pillaging Geryon's chamber ends up dangerous.  WD almost got pulled into an enchanted mirror, while Spile and Jhoren felt an enchantment on the black curtains demanding their gaze.  Taking only gems, platinum bars, and coins, they leave the enchanted mirror, pearl, and mundane coins behind.   Stumbling upon a meeting of a monstrous array of council members, Rowdy parlay's with them, and he and most of the party are accepted on neutral ground.  Bleg, the beholder, though lacking in smarts, was the chairman.  The fallen angel, who remained nameless, agrees to sell information to the party on how to get to the Sword of Kaz for 10,000 GP.  Spile happily steals the last coins from Geryon's chamber and pays them.  Both parties depart maintaining peace.   Hearing a mumbled cry from a closed steel door, WD halts the descent further into the depths of Cold Steel.  He springs an unseen magical trap and the metals walls slam closed on him, Jhoren and Rowdy.  Only WD was fully caught in the crushing blow.  After a few moments, the walls recede and he travels further towards the cry.  Jhoren attempts to fly through the trapped room, yet he also springs the trap, but only catches his foot.  WD finds a priest of St Cuthbert, Leofric, in a prison hole and rescues him with Jhoren's help.  The trap mechanism was disabled by WD. In a cold pit lay an ice devil mumbling to himself on how to continue his "education" with the captured priest, perhaps starting with more of his toes today?  WD wasn't going to take that, so as the devil merrily leaped up from the pit, WD let him have it with Victamcue.  A brief but brutal melee began, leaving a destroyed ice devil and wounded party members.    They learn of the defenses of the chapel by their new comrade, Leofric.  Brother Rhichal Niamor, the chapel's high priest, fell to the onslaught of devils after the first night, leaving Sister Sahra assuming command.  The second day, Leofric and other brothers of Cuthbert were taken prisoner.  With an urgency, he joins the party downwards to the last level of Coldsteel. Ambushed on the descent, 6 fat, heavily muscled, and winged devils attack.  Spile see's through the illusion, seeing only one a the center of the group.  In 30 heartbeats the clash is over, only a wounded WD with an infected injury.  Eventually, after everyone tried to clear the fiendish infection, Jhoren decides to cauterize it with energy.  He sees the tiny crackling bodies of fiendish worms evaporate into a sickly green vapor, healing the wound.
The Salinmoor
Sir Wolf-Deitrich von Axewood
92 / 92 HP
Jhoren al'Hadad
Captain Spile
Variant Human (City Watch)
Druid 9
Monk 1
73 / 73 HP
Wesley Rupert Pipper
Report Date
02 Oct 2021


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