Shirén Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Among the Seguleh people, the Shirén represent the keepers of lore. Known to be far more loquacious than the typical taciturn warrior, these men and women travel the world documenting and telling the history of the Seguleh people. While they most often travel alone, it is not unheard of to find a Shirén in the company of a member of the Hundredth, documenting her or her exploits.   In other cultures, the Shirén might be compared to bards or troubadours but the Seguleh view such parallels as distasteful. Bards are entertainers, singing for coin and personal fame. The Shirén instead see their calling as a sacred charge as the Guardians of the Qi'ren; the "soul of the people". It is through deed and sacrafice that the essence of the Seguleh people lives on, and the Shirén are the men and women dedicated to carrying that soul into an eternity of tomorrows.


The Shirén have no organized structure; each Speaker is a master of one.


From a cultural standpoint, the Shirén represent one of the most prestigious and honored traditions of the Way of the Soul. They are masters of oration, song, poetry, and prose; mediums dedicated to the preservation of history and deed. Green calligraphy is sometimes used to accentuate the miàn of Shirén Loremasters.

The Qiyuán'zhòu speaks, we but listen.

Guild, Craftsmen
Alternative Names
Loremasters, Speakers, Speakers of the Qiyuán'zhòu, Guardians of the Qi'ren
Related Ethnicities


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