Xan Yae Character in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Xan Yae (Zahn Yay)

(a.k.a. Lady of Perfection, the Perfect Mistress, Supreme Mistress of Petals)

Xan Yae is the goddess of Twilight, Shadows, Stealth, and the pursuit of perfection; both mental and physical. Her divine realm, located in the Outlands, is known as the Tower of Iron Will.   The Perfect Mistress is revered in Ket, the Plains of the Paynims, Tusmit, and Zeif. She is also the primary diety of both the Seguleh and the Black Okami. Though considered a Baklunish goddess, the Lady of Perfection has some measure of popularity throughout the Flanaess, especially among scholars, monks, and weaponsmasters who seek to reach the pinnacle of their chosen pursuits. Those who operate during the twilight such as thieves and young lovers, also favor the goddess.   Clerics of the Supreme Mistress of Petals are known as Duskmantles for the grey cloaks they wear and for their practice of praying every dusk. Thes men and women are agents of harmony and discipline, seeking out extreme alignments and factions and bringing them toward balance. They train others in the martial and mental arts, study with gurus, and seek out evidence of the Universal Mind. They are active in seeking to change the world.   Xan Yae's temples and monasteries are usually very hard to find because the faith teaches mastery of the unseen. These buildings are typically found in secluded settings, far from prying eyes. Those few that can be found in urban areas tend to be large but disguised as a different building. It is not unusual for clergy to have no temple at all, and instead simply hold secret services where they sense they are needed. These services include dance-like exercises, meditation, reading, chanting, and prayer. The light is always shadowy and dim, and breezes tinkle bells and chimes as background noise to induce trances and promote harmony.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Trickery, Twilight, War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Xan Yae's symbol is a black lotus blossom. Her clergy typically wear cloaks of grey and carry falchions or other weapons commonly associated with monks. Among the Seguleh, adherents of the faith wear a white Miàn with stylized blue caligraphy in the shape of a lotus blossom.

Tenets of Faith

Xan Yae's highest ideal is the mastery of the unseen. Anything that achieves true balance attains invisible perfection. The greatest mysteries are hard to find.   In Xan Yae's philosophy, there are three great universal principles:  
  • The Universal Mind. This is the creator and sustainer of the universe. One mind is all minds. Among the @Seguleh, this concept is referred to as the Qiyuán'zhòu, which translates roughly as "origins of the eternity".
  • Perpetual Harmony. Symmetry and balance between Good and Evil and all things. When the individual achieves a similar state of balance, harmony with nature can be attained.
  • Internal Peace. The mastery of the mental and martial arts can be combined to attain a higher level of existence.


Worshipers of Xan Yae celebrate the Autumnal Equinox, marking the day of balance between darkness and light. Two ceremonies are held on this day, one at dawn and another at dusk, and during these ceremonies neophytes are initiated into the greater body of the church.   On the 27th of Harvester, worshipers of Xan Yae celebrate the Day of the Legion Will. On this day, every member of the church meditates from sunrise to sunset, as deeply as they can, attempting to come in direct contact with the Universal Mind and bend the fabric of existence with the collective will of the church.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Xan Yae appears as a masked or hooded Baklunish human of any age or sex, slender and graceful, wielding a pair of magical falchions that she can shrink to easily conceal. She most often takes the guise of a woman but regardless of her form, she is usually dressed in cloth of dove gray, dusty rose, or golden orange.
Divine Classification
Goddess of Twilight, Shadows, Stealth, and the pursuit of Mental & Physical Prowess


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