Black Okami Military Formation in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Black Okami

Not all warfare is meant to be carried out under the watchful eye the sun. There are some tasks that instead fall upon the shoulders of the Black Okami and the hobgoblin known as Sof-Cif, who leads them. The Black Fist, as they were known at the time, previously functioned as a Banner (platoon) of the Burning Sun Legion and specialized in unconventional warfare.   Originally, this unit had been deployed by Warlord Nodachi to the southern, more populated areas of the Salinmoor in an effort to proactively diffuse the tensions over the Legion's involvement in Pack Lord Varulven's recent campaign to spread his werewolf lycanthropic curse. The Banner was specifically tasked with helping to quell the outbreak and the chaos the Legion had inadvertently helped to create.   It eventually came to light that the long term deployment was, in actually, a banishment from the Legion for an undisclosed dishonor purportedly committed by Sof-Cif. Warlord Nodachi's rivals within the Legion sought to portray this banishment of his own son as a weakness of character and betrayal of the ideals of the Legion. At least one of these Banner Generals sought to act against the Black Fist on his own. Sof-Cif and his men rebuffed these attempts, and in response declared their independance from the Burning Sun Legion. The newly branded Black Okami would go on to claim the Arbor Grange as a base of operations within the Salinmoor. A number of non-combatants and retired members of the unit would move to Galver's Landing to live and rebuild side by side with the recovering folk of that beleagered town.



The Black Okami is comprised of approximately 40 soldiers, including officers.


Standard equipment includes chainmail and shield, two weeks of rations, bedrolls, and sundry supplies.


As a unit that was dispatched primarily to deal with the lycanthropic outbreak, most individual solders have at least one small, silvered melee weapon with which to defend themselves. Soldiers are also armed with longsword and longbow.


  • The Black Okami are lead by Sof-Cif who holds the rank of General.
  • Two Fatal Axes serve as subcommanders and each hold command over two Spears.
  • Four Spears serve as squad leaders. Squads themselves are referred to as Gauntlets.
  • Each Gauntlet is comprised of 6-8 Soldiers and Scouts.
  • One of the four Gauntlets is comprised of Wolf-Brothers and Wolf-Sisters


While the Black Okami has all the training of a standard Legion Banner, the unit has historically been reserved for unconventional operations. The Black Okami specializes in guerilla warfare, night raids, and sabotage under the cover of darkness.



The Black Okami now recruits from all races, not restricting itself to hobgoblins alone. Named members of the organization include the following:
  • Sof-Cif, Hobgoblin Chieftan and General
  • Kilgarn Bridgeburner, Hobgoblin Fatal Axe
  • "Bonehunter" Baralta, Hobgoblin Fatal Axe
  • Guz, Half-Orc Grangeman (animal caretaker)
  • Norris Fontenot, Human Tracker
  • Dimàn Nàixīn, often called Sister Patience, Seguleh Priestess of Xan-Yae
  • Revilra Three-Arrows, Hobgoblin Wolf-Sister (Retired to Galver's Landing)
  • Vustro, Hobgoblin Wolf-Brother (Deceased)
  • Yognar, Hobgoblin Soldier


For a complete history, refer to the article on the Burning Sun Legion.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation


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