Chapel of Ulaa
This tiny cottage-like building, with a roof of straw thatch and windows open to the air, is the house of worship devoted to Ulaa, the bright goddess of mountains and hills, and the stuff of those rocky heights: gems and precious stones. Very few in the Old City worship this deity, but some dwarves, gnomes, and humans come here on Godsday to worship near the Old City Well.
This chapel is situated near the woody periphery of the Old Well, and not by accident. Ulaa’s devotions are best performed in the wild, but when the constraints of city life surround her followers she accepts such a shrine instead of pure wildness. The priests and congregation are planning to move to a new location to build an underground temple, and several sites outside the city walls are being discussed.
The high priestess is 50-year-old Guldan Rockflint. Guldan has been harassed and her temple robbed several times in the last decade, and she cannot stand to stay in Greyhawk any longer.
The actual observances of Ulaa occur three times—morning, afternoon, and evening—each Godsday, and are performed beside the well. The priests call the followers together for several hours of meditation, song (involving the 12 priests drumming an assortment of different sized boulders around the well), and exhortation to faith and good deeds.