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Slum Quarter

As dirty, ramshackle and dangerous as the Thieves’ Quarter is, Greyhawk’s Slum Quarter outmatches it in every one of those qualities. Occupying an arc along the west walls of the Old City between the Highway and Black Gates, the streets here are often unpaved and always swarming with aggressive vermin and homeless beggars. Although the influence of the Guild worms its way throughout the quarter, they are not without competitors.    The city’s Beggar’s Union, a collection of con artists, panhandlers and low-grade criminals with ears in every district, hold sway among the crumbling tenements. Most of the buildings are disease-ridden tenements on the point of collapse. Those buildings that pass that point are quickly reassembled into lots of shanties by the legions of homeless. The poorest, most desperate region within Greyhawk’s walls, the Slum Quarter is home to penniless immigrants and common laborers whose paltry wages afford them only the sodden, crime-ridden apartments common here. Only those that cannot afford to stay elsewhere stay in the few ramshackle hostelries that exist in the Slum Quarter.   The Slum Quarter is a place of deprivation, desperation and danger. All manner of crimes and violence are committed here without consequence or punishment. Murder (and worse) are daily events. The Watch rarely ventures here, and then only in numbers. Unless they dress the part of destitute commoners, the adventurers draw a great deal of attention to themselves simply by visiting the Slum Quarter.


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