Vesve Forest Geographic Location in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Vesve Forest

The Vesve Forest (or High Forest) is the largest hardwood forest in the Flanaess. The Vesve is bordered to the north by the plains of the Wolf Nomads; to the west by the Sepia Uplands, Clatspur Range, and Highvale; to the east by the Dulsi River, Whyestil Lake, and the plains of Furyondy; and to the south by the Velverdyva River.   The forest provides abundant resources, such as a variety of excellent woods, plant resins for waterproofing, incenses, preservatives, and medical berries and herbs. These resources are crucial to the economic health of Highfolk, Furyondy, and Veluna. Those three states, with assistance from the Knights of the Hart, support the indigenous nonhumans and woodsmen with manpower and occasional funds.  

Notable locations

  • Delvenbrass
  • Lerrek's Tower
  • Serpent Mound
  • The Singing Stones of Vesve
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)


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