Velverdyva Geographic Location in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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The busiest river in the Flanaess and one of the longest, the Velverdyva River drains Lake Quag and passes several states before reaching the Nyr Dyv at Dyvers. It separates Furyondy from Veluna and is navigable from its mouth to the Vesve Forest. Barges can make the journey to Thornward along the Fals or continue north, with some difficulty, to Schwartzenbruin.    The Velverdyva exits Lake Quag at Quag Quay, a notorious braid of shingles, backwashes and groundings at the southern foot of the lake. At any one time there are at least a dozen flows from Lake Quag into the Velverdyva proper, however only two or three of these are ever navigable. The first thirty miles of this river are quite treacherous. Lizardfolk, trolls and the odd marsh giant inhabit these washes and backwaters, making travel through this region perilous. An experienced pilot can find the main braids of the river and avoid these perils of course, but pilots are not cheap and river pirates lurk at the entrance points to the lake.   Further downriver the Velverdyva becomes both stable and broad, being relatively safe to travel. The one exception to this is the Gate of the Velverdyva, the canyon that separates Perrenland from the Highfolk, and the Clatspurs from the Yatils. Here the river is both swift and deep and an experienced pilot is needed to make the journey safely.   Once in Highfolk, the river flows past Verbeeg Hill. The waters make the land here very fertile and eels are commonly collected from the river.


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